Scarwood Reach

Cheevos found in H > Zones > Rift > Scarwood Reach

Scarwood by Torchlight

Big Game Hunter

Ruler of Scarwood

This is the meta cheevo for completing all the 13 cheevos listed.
The reward for this cheevo is the ‘Blood Grove Hatchling’ companion pet.

Mushroom Soup

On one of the very large trees in Scarwood Reach – /setwaypoint 2953 3955 – Is a route of 9 mushroom platforms that circle around the tree from the top to the bottom.
The first video is the route to get up the tree to the first mushroom platform.
It starts from the bottom of the tree at /setwaypoint 2941 3985

The second video is the trip down the mushrooms.
Each of the mushrooms has a sparkly center, as if it was clickable.. You do not have to click the mushrooms on the way down, as long as you stand towards the middle of the mushroom then the sparkle will disappear and you can move to the next one.

Give 'em Enough Rope

Above the outposts in the Howling Plateau area there are tight ropes.

Starting at /setwaypoint 3611 3529 make your way all across the 3 ropes to the end to pop the cheevo.
NOTE: Defiants will be attacked by the guards near the beginning of the track, either keep going and eventually lose agro, or /pvp and kill them!

I Hope This Is Just Water

Start on Keenblade Mill at /setwaypoint 3833 3881 drop down onto the large pipe below.
Move to the end of the pipe to /setwaypoint 3837 3974
Drop down into the deep water below – Just walk off the edge, no need to jump.

Pit Fighter

At /setwaypoint 3811 4439 just south of Perspice is an NPC who will give you a daily quest to fight – You can do the daily 3 times in one day so it will take 10 days work to get this cheevo.

Pick up the quest and wait a few seconds and the contender will appear!
Kill him and then hand the quest in.
On completion you will receive a ‘fighters purse’. There will be an artifact inside which is for the ‘Bare Knuckled: The Return’ set.

On The Hunt

You will receive this cheevo during the questline.
You can see the Defiant quests for Scarwood Reach here
You can see the Guardian quests for Scarwood Reach here

Aelfwar Eradication

There are quite a few good spots to farm these types of mobs, I find a nice area is Granitewood Crossing – You can go a full circle around this area following the paths and killing everything in sight and then switch shard and do it again!

Deep Roots

Waypoints are for the entrance to each cave/cavern, you will likely need to go right to the back of them or all the way through them to tick off the cheevo, track the cheevo and ensure the cave is ticked off before moving to the next one.
Be aware you may get the ‘location’ tick off way before you get the deep roots tick off, so keep an eye on the cheevo.

1. Keenblade East – /setwaypoint 3863 4004
2. Keenblade West – /setwaypoint 3723 4051
3. Infested Range 1 – /setwaypoint 4078 4274
4. Infested Range 2 – /setwaypoint 4046 4260
5. Infested Range 3 – /setwaypoint 4002 4239
6. Infested Range 4 – /setwaypoint 3976 4203
7. Infested Range 5 – /setwaypoint 4032 4208
8. Trollblight Caverns – /setwaypoint 3310 4461
9. Lord’s Hall – /setwaypoint 2868 4339
10. Blighted Pit – /setwaypoint 3068 3303
11. Shatterbone Hold – /setwaypoint 3228 3274
12. T F Wight’s Cave – /setwaypoint 2645 3785
13. T F Broodmother’s Cave – /setwaypoint 3057 3627
14. T F Drake’s Cave – /setwaypoint 2855 3569
15 Dreadfang’s Cave – /setwaypoint 2744 3357

— For Trollblight Caverns – You will have to go all the way through the cave system all the way up to the upper levels and near the top exit will be a hologram of Prince Hylas, that area will credit the quest — You can instead climb the mountain on the outside above the lower entrance and go in the upper exit at /setwaypoint 3259 4493 for a quick tick off.
— For Lords Hall – you can go up the little hill at /setwaypoint 2845 4257 and use the entrance there for a quick tick off (need a decent speed mount for this!).

Scouring Scarwood

1. Blighted Pit – /setwaypoint 3070 3281
2. Shatterbone Hold – /setwaypoint 3209 3361
3. Shatterbone Canyon – /setwaypoint 2936 3311
4. Timar Foothills – /setwaypoint 2874 3714
5. Auld Warden – /setwaypoint 3112 3956
6. Lord’s Hall – /setwaypoint 3024 4145
7. Granitewood Haunt – /setwaypoint 3393 4139
8. Stone Grove – /setwaypoint 3507 3677
9. Keenblade Mill – /setwaypoint 3821 3803
10. Iron Fall – /setwaypoint 3741 4231
11. Trollblight Caverns – /setwaypoint 3328 4447
12. Lotham’s Strike – /setwaypoint 3740 4581
13. Granitewood Crossing – /setwaypoint 3995 4630
14. Scarwood Lift Summit – /setwaypoint 4156 4080
15. Perspice – /setwaypoint 3667 4388
16. Kain’s Command – /setwaypoint 3131 3853
17. The Sagespire – /setwaypoint 2612 3580