Cheevos found in H > Zones > Rift > Freemarch
Sleeping with the Fishes

You can find a full guide to the Freemarch puzzle here.
Freemarch Exterminator

You can find a full guide to the Freemarch rares here.
Freemarch Conqueror
This cheevo is only available to Defiants.

This is the meta cheevo for completing all the 13 cheevos listed.
The reward for this cheevo is the ‘Conqueror’s Satchel’, this is an 18 slot bag.
Cry Me A River

All around freemarch (and other zones too!) are squirrels running around.
You can use a macro to help you find them with just [tar squirrel]

The squirrels are quite small but very cute!
When you kill them there is a chance they will drop a squirrel tear which is an artifact towards the ‘critter tears’ collection. Buying these from the auction house will not help towards your cheevo, you need to kill the squirrels and loot them yourself for it to count.
There are quite a few squirrels around the Rill Pond area of Freemarch at /setwaypoint 6596 5137 remember you can switch shard and kill more!
It took me about 20 minutes to pick up 5 tears just taking the route marked on the map below and spamming the macro!
Switch shard when you reach the end of the route to allow all the squirrels to respawn.
Note: The fire squirrels in the north of the zone do not drop tears!

A Quick Escape

Go to the bridge in Smiths Haven and stand on the edge of the bridge with the lamppost to your right /setwaypoint 7318 5203 and just walk off (you need to walk off the side without the crates/boxes).

Merchant of Death

The merchant ‘reed bellows’ is just outside of Meridian at /setwaypoint 6378 5161
He appears randomly throughout the day so if he isn’t there when you visit you should check every shard first and then come back in a hour or so if he isn’t up.
The poor man was riding his cart along when a wheel fell off and now he is being approached by some very greasy highwaymen who are obviously going to rob him blind!
To pop the cheevo simply kill Reed Bellows!
Note: You can come back another time and kill the attackers instead. You can then find Reed in Meridian selling his items at /setwaypoint 6081 5135. One of those items is the book: The Bahmi: A Study.


I find the easiest place to farm this cheevo is the Iron Fortress area /setwaypoint 6958 5400
You can easily kill loads of mobs and then switch shard to kill more!
You can also do the ‘I just came for the view’ cheevo while farming them (info for this cheevo is below).
No More Kings

You will get this cheevo during the main storyline quests. (Defiant only)
Death Defying Acheesement

You will get this cheevo during the main storyline quests. (Defiant only)
I Just Came for the View

Simply go the top of each of the towers in the iron fortress area..
1. NORTH TOWER – /setwaypoint 6957 5297
2. ENTRANCE TOWER – /setwaypoint 6957 5462
3. KEEP ENTRANCE TOWER – /setwaypoint 6957 5340
4. EAST TOWER – /setwaypoint 7028 5402
5. WEST TOWER – /setwaypoint 6890 5402
6. SOUTHEAST TOWER – /setwaypoint 7029 5478
7. SOUTHWEST TOWER – /setwaypoint 6887 5479
8. KEEP EAST TOWER – /setwaypoint 6988 5340
9. KEEP WEST TOWER – /setwaypoint 6930 5342

All Things Defiant

WARNING: A Guardian trying to pop this cheevo will become PVP flagged!

Epoch Plaza
/setwaypoint 6096 5199

The Training Yard
/setwaypoint 6138 5273

Orphiel’s Spire
/setwaypoint 5994 5139
In the middle is an elevator that will take you to the observatory

College Of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5940 5277
Go into manufactory then turn left.

The Manufactory
/setwaypoint 5997 5250
Entrance at
/setwaypoint 6052 5267

Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6090 5091
Entrance at
/setwaypoint 6133 5125

Orphiel’s Observatory
Go right to the very top of the tower.
/setwaypoint 5989 5135

The Foyer
/setwaypoint 6032 5162
Roamer of the March

1. REGENT’S COVE – /setwaypoint 6272 4331
2. KELARI REFUGE – /setwaypoint 6559 4574
3. KING’S RETREAT – /setwaypoint 6315 4602
4. SEASTONE BLUFF – /setwaypoint 6732 4709
5. ELIAM FIELDS – /setwaypoint 6486 4958
6. TODRIN ESTATE – /setwaypoint 6615 4993
7. THE RILL POND – /setwaypoint 6692 5137
8. FORTUNE’S END – /setwaypoint 7011 4873
9. SCARRED MIRE – /setwaypoint 6657 5431
10. DEFIANTS APPROACH – /setwaypoint 6227 5276
11. OLD MEADOW FARM – /setwaypoint 6357 5626
12. LAKESIDE OUTPOST – /setwaypoint 6117 5692
13. TRAWLING POST – /setwaypoint 6557 5710
14. WARDEN’S RISE – /setwaypoint 6433 5505
15. SAVAGE HILL – /setwaypoint 7012 5856
16. DENEGAR’S STAND – /setwaypoint 7280 5424
17. SMITH’S HAVEN – /setwaypoint 7203 5299
18. THE IRON FORTRESS – /setwaypoint 6959 5400
19. VESTIGE – /setwaypoint 5885 5827