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The Waypoints The Map The Complete Guide
The Waypoints
101. STILLMOOR TICKING BOX – /setwaypoint 1849 2672
102. STILLMOOR TOCKING BOX – /setwaypoint 1707 2311
103. STILLMOOR WHIRRING BOX – /setwaypoint 749 2699
104. STILLMOOR HUMMING BOX – /setwaypoint 1909 3557
105. STILLMOOR BUZZING BOX – /setwaypoint 2201 2853
106. STILLMOOR VIBRATING BOX – /setwaypoint 2894 2827
107. STILLMOOR RATTLING BOX – /setwaypoint 1898 3079
108. STILLMOOR HISSING BOX – /setwaypoint 1437 2469
109. STILLMOOR DRONING BOX – /setwaypoint 2017 1922
110. STILLMOOR PULSATING BOX – /setwaypoint 1756 1880
The Map
The Complete Guide
/setwaypoint 749 2699
This one is right on top of the archway above the GSB portal.
Go up the hill at /setwaypoint 971 2592 and then follow the top of the hill all the way around to the top of GSB portal.
You then need to drop down very carefully to the archway.
When you drop, walk backwards off the ledge in a diagonal direction to make the drop as precise as possible.
In the video you will see that I fell onto an invisible ledge. I was still able to grab the box from there, you may fall onto the invisible ledge or onto the archway itself.
In the video I am on a PRIME character at level 50 with no PA and with a 110% mount – With a high level character and a faster mount you will be able to get up the cliff at /setwaypoint 783 2628 – If you have Opie or Jetpack then you can just use those to get up from the front of the entrance!
This video shows how to get up to the top of the archway.
This video shows how to drop down to the box
/setwaypoint 2201 2853
The buzzing box is up on top of a roof in Hillcrest.
The first jump here is the most difficult, you need to jump from the very crest of the hill at /setwaypoint 2246 2879 and land on the roof in front of you.. Try to aim just to the right of the turret.
There are many ways to make this easier, faster mounts, riding chaps, speed buffs from your spec, racial abilities (targeted jumps). You will likely need a combination of some of these to make your jump happen!
Then carefully make you way along the roof, there is an invisible ledge about half way down the roof to walk on, jump over to the next building and shimmy across til you can reach the buzzing box.
In the video I am a level 50 on PRIME with no PA and a 110% mount, I am also using ‘lightweight riding chaps’ from outfitter which give 5% extra speed, I am also using my bard spec with ‘anthem of competence’ which gives 15% extra speed.