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The Waypoints The Map The Complete Guide
The Waypoints
51. SCARWOOD REACH TICKING BOX – /setwaypoint 4039 4652
52. SCARWOOD REACH TOCKING BOX – /setwaypoint 2577 3378
53. SCARWOOD REACH WHIRRING BOX – /setwaypoint 3129 3235
54. SCARWOOD REACH HUMMING BOX – /setwaypoint 3850 3840
55. SCARWOOD REACH BUZZING BOX – /setwaypoint 3713 3794
56. SCARWOOD REACH VIBRATING BOX – /setwaypoint 3102 4605
57. SCARWOOD REACH RATTLING BOX – /setwaypoint 3294 4721
58. SCARWOOD REACH HISSING BOX – /setwaypoint 2951 4238
59. SCARWOOD REACH DRONING BOX – /setwaypoint 2970 3976
60. SCARWOOD REACH PULSATING BOX – /setwaypoint 3633 3821
The Map
The Complete Guide
/setwaypoint 4039 4652
All the way at the end of the rope.
You will find the contraption on top of the flag, you need to move carefully to the side of the flag to be able to loot it.
The bottom of the rope where you climb on is on top of a ruined tower at /setwaypoint 4112 4592
The jump up to the tower is HORRIFIC.. Thank you Simon for the challenge! Thank you to Ion@vigil for keeping me company while I figured it out!
If you have speed buffs or leap abilities then this tower is pretty easy to get up.. choose from one of many options!
However, its a LOT more tricky with no buffs or leaps… as shown in the video.
The video starts at the tree stump at /setwaypoint 4105 4581
/setwaypoint 2951 4238
On top of the very large tree stump.
If you have a very fast mount then you can climb up the hill to the left of the stump and jump across to the top easily.
If you have a slow mount then you will need to go all the way over to the Kings Breach dungeon entrance and climb up the hill there -/setwaypoint 3353 4336- (as shown in the video) then travel along the top of the hills to where the stump is.
In the video I am using the 110% mount with a 15% bard speed buff.