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The Waypoints
31. GLOAMWOOD TICKING BOX – /setwaypoint 5252 3087
32. GLOAMWOOD TOCKING BOX – /setwaypoint 5902 3955
33. GLOAMWOOD WHIRRING BOX – /setwaypoint 4462 2442
34. GLOAMWOOD HUMMING BOX – /setwaypoint 4910 2441
35. GLOAMWOOD BUZZING BOX – /setwaypoint 4302 2672
36. GLOAMWOOD VIBRATING BOX – /setwaypoint 4313 2935
37. GLOAMWOOD RATTLING BOX – /setwaypoint 5346 3415
38. GLOAMWOOD HISSING BOX – /setwaypoint 4602 2908
39. GLOAMWOOD DRONING BOX – /setwaypoint 4715 2499
40. GLOAMWOOD PULSATING BOX – /setwaypoint 5025 2402
The Map
The Complete Guide
/setwaypoint 4302 2672
This box is in a cave which is underwater.. its quite a long cave!
If you find the tunnel is too long for your breath bar then swim over to /setwaypoint 11934 3590 – Just off Breaker Point in Ember Isle. Click the crystal there to give you 2 hours of underwater breathing.
The cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 4314 2759
/setwaypoint 4602 2908
Inside Greybriar Hollow – Entrance is at /setwaypoint 4721 2903
Inside the cave is a small tunnel, the entrance is at /setwaypoint 4618 2933
Inside this small tunnel you will find the hissing box tucked inside a broken barrel – Angle your camera carefully to see it.
/setwaypoint 5025 2402
This one is behind a grate at the end of a gutter that feeds into the Darkening Deeps area.
You need to drop down onto the small ledge from above.
When you drop, walk backwards and aim your character diagonally to reduce your chance of missing the ledge.