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The Waypoints The Map The Complete Guide
The Waypoints
1. FREEMARCH TICKING BOX – /setwaypoint 6969 5307
2. FREEMARCH TOCKING BOX – /setwaypoint 6772 4664
3. FREEMARCH WHIRRING BOX – /setwaypoint 6652 4461
4. FREEMARCH HUMMING BOX – /setwaypoint 6180 4793
5. FREEMARCH BUZZING BOX – /setwaypoint 5841 5145
6. FREEMARCH VIBRATING BOX – /setwaypoint 5998 5143
7. FREEMARCH RATTLING BOX – /setwaypoint 6140 4420
8. FREEMARCH HISSING BOX – /setwaypoint 7304 5797
9. FREEMARCH DRONING BOX – /setwaypoint 7194 5327
10. FREEMARCH PULSATING BOX – /setwaypoint 5926 5793
The Map
The Complete Guide
/setwaypoint 5998 5143
IN MERIDIAN! – If you are guardian then you really should get a defiant guildy to banner you in! – Get them to stand right next to the contraption on the telescope and lay the banner there, then you can grab the contraption and soul recall to get out again.
The telescope is right at the very top of the spire in the middle of Meridian.
/setwaypoint 6140 4420
Inside the cave behind a broken bit of wall.
If you are GUARDIAN, portal into Ark of the Ascended and run straight to the back of the cave and grab the box straight away.. From taking the portal you will receive the PVP invulnerability buff and you will have enough time to loot the box before the guards attack you!