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The Waypoints The Map The Complete Guide
The Waypoints
71. DROUGHTLANDS TICKING BOX – /setwaypoint 7656 6285
72. DROUGHTLANDS TOCKING BOX – /setwaypoint 8384 7529
73. DROUGHTLANDS WHIRRING BOX – /setwaypoint 8840 6729
74. DROUGHTLANDS HUMMING BOX – /setwaypoint 7961 7117
75. DROUGHTLANDS BUZZING BOX – /setwaypoint 7524 6893
76. DROUGHTLANDS VIBRATING BOX – /setwaypoint 7693 5664
77. DROUGHTLANDS RATTLING BOX – /setwaypoint 8031 6771
78. DROUGHTLANDS HISSING BOX – /setwaypoint 7126 6355
79. DROUGHTLANDS DRONING BOX – /setwaypoint 7692 6960
80. DROUGHTLANDS PULSATING BOX – /setwaypoint 8002 6319
The Map
The Complete Guide
/setwaypoint 7656 6285
Down inside the tunnel that goes straight down from the top of Lantern Hook to the well.
Inside the tunnel are two ledges, one which covers about half the opening and has a quest item on it, the other further down, is a circular ledge around the whole tunnel where the ticking box is.
You need to jump into the hole in the tree and fall down as close to the wall as possible so you hit the second ledge, if you happen to hit the first ledge, grab the quest item then jump down again to the second ledge.
/setwaypoint 8840 6729
The whirring box is on the second floor of the tower, to get to it you need to teleport up to the third floor and then drop down.
To be able to use the teleports at the entrance you need to have done most of the Droughtlands story quests up to the part with the tower – If you haven’t done this, just kill all the mobs in the tower and an orb will appear in the central area, clicking this orb will teleport you up.

/setwaypoint 7961 7117
This one is very high up a mountain, the first jump is the hardest, once you are up you should run to grab the Droughtlands humming box and then continue on to grab the shimmersand tocking box. at /setwaypoint 7804 7255
The video starts from /setwaypoint 8005 6988