Cheevos found in H > Raids > Rift: Storm Legion > Planebreaker Bastion
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Boss 1 – Eggtenders Boss 2 – Proteus Boss 3 – Warden Thrax Boss 4 – Krizzix Boss 5 – Inyr’Kta Boss 6 – Planebreaker Abominus Cheevos
Location: Steppes of Infinity
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 17247 7598
Difficulty Tier: Tier 2
Hit Requirement: N/A
Level of bosses: 62
Number of bosses: 6 (5 plus a mini-boss)
Max Group Size: 20
Recommended Minimum Group Size for Level 70 cheevo run: 12
Solo at 70?: I have cleared the raid with a group of 3, you will want at least 2!
All cheevos while solo?: Though you don’t technically ‘need’ two players for any of the cheevos, it is unlikely you will manage to even kill the bosses by yourself!
This raid will require you to have at least 10 players in the group before you are allowed to enter. These players can be logged off alts if required.
A group of level 70 players can easily kill everything in this raid.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.
It is possible to get the Conqueror cheevo with just one run of PBB. You simply need to fast burn every boss except Proteus. On Proteus you will need to take it slow and do the 20 tentacles cheevo.
You will want to have at least 12 level 70 players to do this, but more is always better!
You will need to kill every boss with no deaths, so be sure to wipe quickly if someone dies so you still make the speed timer cheevo.
Boss 1 - Eggtenders
This fight is super easy to blast through as a level 70 group.
Even just 10 level 70 players can easily kill everything fast enough to skip all mechanics.
Start the fight by grabbing a harpoon (on the sparkly weapon racks) and throwing it at the egg in the middle.
This will draw out the first eggtender. There are 5 eggtenders in total, they will appear on different spots throughout the room and you just run to them and DPS them down.
The higher your DPS the less mechanics you will see! A group of 10 or more level 70s is unlikely to see any mechanics at all.
The loot will be in the chest by the exit.
You can find a full run down of the mechanics here.
Boss 2 - Proteus
Proteus will be immune to damage at the start of the fight. When you pull him he is going to target the first player that hits him (make sure its the tank!) and chase them around, that player needs to kite Proteus around the room, staying at least 20 metres away at all times.
Have your tank agro Proteus (This doesn’t need to be an actual tank, the first player to hit Proteus will get agro) and then interrupt the spell that he tries to cast, the spell is called unstoppable rampage (have a DPS back up the rupt just in case) as long as the cast never completes and the tank stays far enough away then the tank will keep agro for the whole fight. If your tank dies (from being too close) or the cast completes (bad rupters) then Proteus will devour the tank and then target someone else and it will likely cause death after death and ultimately a wipe. This is because Proteus gains a speed buff for every death and if the player Proteus targets next isn’t expecting to have to kite him then he can plow through all the players very quickly. Your tank can try to regain agro by taunting the boss, however this doesn’t always work.
Beware: Proteus will still shout out that he is targeting other random players, as long as the cast is rupted then the ‘tank’ will maintain agro and he will keep chasing that one player.
During the fight, your DPS should not be hitting Proteus and instead be killing all the adds that pop. There are a few different adds, all are easy to kill.
The important adds are the Hunters. These guys will drop a harpoon on the ground, you need to pick up these harpoons and use them on Proteus (Temporary ability) then run over to one of the hooks to create a chain from Proteus to the hook.
The Hunters will also pull in random players. This can be dangerous if the tank is pulled and ends up too close to Proteus. The Hunters are melee fighters, so when they spawn they will run towards the players who get agro on them. Smaller raid groups may want to position themselves more carefully so if the Hunter does pull the tank then it will be away from Proteus, not towards him.
Once you have chained Proteus 6 times he will drop his shield and become attackable.
Save all your raid cooldowns for this phase to burn him down quick.
If you are doing 20 tentacles then you will want to just do 5 of the harpoons and then wait til you have killed 20 tentacles before chaining the 6th harpoon. The fight has a 9min enrage and you will likely hit your 20th tentacle at around the 8min mark, so be prepared for a long fight! And make sure no one dies! (This means add extra healers!)
You can find a full guide for the fight here.
Boss 3 - Warden Thrax
With at least 12 level 70 players you will easily be able to burn down this boss and get all the cheevos before he even does any mechanics.
If you dont have the DPS for this then you can find a full guide to the tactics here.

Your raid should stand at the end of one of the beams going into the inner circle.
At the start of the fight, Earthshaper Marus will be in the middle of the room. Walk up to him to start the encounter. Trash mobs will move in from all directions and need to be killed.
When the ‘Hive Controller’ adds are up, Earthshaper Marus will also be attackable, make sure you DO NOT attack Earthshaper Marus, kill the controller adds quickly to make him immune again.
Earthshaper Marus will go immune again between trash packs and then disappear when the actual boss pops.
When the boss pops, burn it down as quick as you can to avoid all mechanics! Save all your raid cooldowns for this part of the fight.
Boss 4 - Krizzix
Boss 5 - Inyr'Kta
Inyr’Kta is the hardest boss in the raid.
You can avoid all mechanics if your DPS is high enough, have everyone go DPS, you wont need tank or heals, buff up and use all cooldowns on the pull.
If you dont have the DPS then you will need to do the mechanics.
Basic run down of the mechanics….
Earth crystals will spawn that need to pulled into the boss and cleaved down.
A random player will get a circle on them that they need to run out of the raid and drop (using reactive ability) on the edge of the platform.
You will need to interrupt concussive force.
A few times during the fight Inyr’Kta will go immune and the raid will need to concentrate on avoiding laser beam walls. This is the main mechanic you are trying to avoid by burning her quickly. If you dont have the DPS to burn her before the first beam phase then you will have to do them 3 times during the fight. The beam walls have gaps in them that create safe spots to run through, however they are often bugged so that players cannot see the beams and run through them accidentally. It is best to assign one player for the raid to stack on and move with, dont worry about DPS during this phase, concentrate on movement and staying alive!
2) Everything is invisible (way rarer bug), so it will be impossible to do.
3) If the total DPS is between 2 values so you are immediately going to the 2nd or 3rd phase of walls (not enough to kill it), the wall phases will accumulate, so it will likely still be impossible to do. To fix this error you will need to slow DPS on the first phase and allow the wall phases to happen one at the correct times.
Boss 6 - Planebreaker Abominus
Planebreaker Abominus has 3 mini bosses to kill before you then go to the main platform to kill loads of adds and then the Planebreaker himself.
Planebreakers head can be seen peering over the final platform.
The 3 mini bosses are all on their own platforms. You need to DPS them down to 50% and then spam jump to move to the next platform, you will then rotate around all the platforms twice until the 3 mini bosses are dead. Once all three are dead you will jump over to the final platform.
DPS Planebreaker down as low as possible and then kill all the adds that pop.
During the fight a red beam will shoot out from Planebreakers eyes, creating a circle of death on the floor, this will still one shot even a level 70 player, so be sure to stay out of it! There will be other aoe damage on the floor, although these wont one shot you, it’s still best to stay out of them!
Once all the trash is dead you can then finish of the Planebreaker.
Jumping – When you are jumping between the platforms you just need to jump straight up and down, not towards the next platform.
Invisible! – Some people will have invisible platforms, mark one player who can see all the platforms and have the raid stack on them.
Mini Bosses – You can also kill them all the first time around, BUT if you kill 2 of them and don’t have enough DPS to kill the last one, you’re dead. You need to kill the 3 of them immediately, or 1 of them and do the 2 others in 2 parts, but killing 2 and leaving 1 at 50% is not good.
Achievements Available
It is possible to get the Conqueror cheevo with just one run of PBB. You simply need to fast burn every boss except Proteus. On Proteus you will need to take it slow and do the 20 tentacles cheevo.
Rapid Assault: Planebreaker Bastion

You will get a message in your chat when the timer starts, be sure to note the time and kill the last boss before the hour is up.
Conqueror: Planebreaker Bastion

The Conqueror cheevo for complete most of the cheevos in the raid.
The reward for Conqueror is the Planecrawler mount.
Secrets of the Bastion

The reward for this cheevo is the ‘The Unknowable’ title.

Hidden in PBB are two artifact spots. The artifacts will always be in the same two spots. They are pretty hard to get to!
The artifacts can only be picked up once per raid week. Due to their rarity, they can be worth a lot of money to other players!
Rogues with the flashback ability will find it very useful here, there are also a few jumps/flashforward abilities that other classes/souls have that may be useful, such as the Warriors ‘Elude>Wavelength>Elude’.
For a full video guide, please see here. This is a video on Twitch by k4no0.

The reward for handing in the artifact set is the ‘secrets of the planes’ item. This turns you into an egg..

Planebreaker Bastion

Simple Meta-cheevo for killing all the bosses.
Egg Drop

Kill the Eggtenders boss.

Destroy all the eggs within 20 seconds during the fight.
With enough DPS it’s unlikly you will even see any eggs.
No Pro

Kill Proteus.

Tentacles pop up randomly throughout the room, there are different types with different names, they ALL count towards the cheevo.
For 20 tentacles you will want to just do 5 of the harpoons and then wait til you have killed 20 tentacles before chaining the 6th.
The fight has a 9min enrage and you will likely hit your 20th tentacle at around the 8min mark, so be prepared for a long fight! And make sure no one dies!
Liquid Diet

Have your tank agro Proteus (This doesnt need to be an actual tank, the first player to hit Proteus will get agro)and then interrupt the spell that he tries to cast, the spell is called unstoppable rampage (have a DPS back up the rupt just in case) as long as the cast never completes and the tank stays far enough away then he will keep agro for the whole fight. If your tank dies (from being too close) or the cast completes (bad rupters) then Proteus will devour the tank and then target someone else and it will likely cause death after death and ultimately a wipe. This is because Proteus gains a speed buff for every death and if your raid isn’t expecting to have to kite him then he can plow through all the players very quickly.
Warden Thrax

Kill Warden Thrax, be careful not to kill Marus during the initial add phase.
When the ‘Hive Controller’ adds are up, Earthshaper Marus will also be attackable, make sure you DO NOT attack him, kill the controller adds quickly to make him immune again.
Double Dutch

This is the big yellow circle that appears in the middle of the room when you have to go to the beams between the platforms and the platforms disappear.
Kill Warden Thrax before any of this happens!
Inyr Face

Kill Inyr’Kta.
End of Concussion

Interrupt every cast of Concussive Force.
The Rude Sandstorm

During the fight Inyr’Kta will go immune and laser beam walls will appear
Avoid being hit by these walls to get the cheevo.
There will be gaps in the wall to allow players to pass through without being damaged. For some people the walls will be invisible, make sure to stack up on a player who can see the walls and move as a group.
To avoid this completely, simply kill Inyr’Kta before she starts any of the mechanics!

Planebreaker Abominus

Kill Planebreaker Abominus.
I've Got My Eye On You!

Kill Planebreaker Abominus without anyone standing in the very painful red circle on the last platform!
The Perfect Machine

Kill Planebreaker Abominus without anyone dying.
Make sure you throw some extra healers at it and ensure peeps who cant see the platforms have someone marked to stack on. The main thing that will still kill you at level 70 is the red AoE beam mechanic on the last platform, make sure your raid stays out of it.