Planar Weapons

Cheevos found in H > Planes > Planar Champion > Planar Armor

Planar Weapons

Released 1st April 2020

Where to buy it

The weapon is bought from a vendor called Evora in the Camp Quagmire portal in Xarth Mire
/setwaypoint 4789 4531
They are also a rare drop from the Critter Champions.
Each class has their own weapon, you can buy the weapon for all the other classes to unlock the skins, just tick all the class boxes to see them, make sure you sell back the ones you don’t want quickly.

Weapon cost

The weapon costs..
— 100 Fortress Tokens – These tokens are items in your bags, they do not go onto your characters currency screen, the tokens are tradeable between your characters – You can earn 1 token per ‘Cracking Skull’ zone event in Xarth Mire – You can also earn more tokens by killing the boss in the QF LFR raid, complete the weekly quest to kill grants you 4 tokens with an additional token for each subsequant kill (using IRC).
— 40,000 Tower Fragments – This is the main Dungeon Currency for the PoA expansion, it can also be earned by completing a variety of weekly quests picked up in Alittu.

Is the weapon worth buying/upgrading?

The weapon stats are equivalent to the Eternal weapon once it is fully upgraded, with one major difference, the Eternal Weapon has procs/buffs which the planar weapon does not.
For a raider, these procs/buffs are very important, so the new planar weapon is no good for them, the exception is Rogues and Warriors, who can wear one planar weapon and one eternal weapon (dual wielding one handers), this may push them slightly more towards the Planar weapons being desirable for them… but is it really worth all the extra effort when you already have an equivalent? Well, this then comes down to player choice.

The new Planar weapons are in no way NEEDED.. we have been clearing content without them easily enough so far! But if you truly want the BIS of everything then for a Warrior and a Rogue the Planar weapon is best in slot when paired with an Eternal.

If you do not raid or do dungeons then the Planar weapon is very much the best in slot weapon you will find for only open world content.

It is entirely up to you if you want to buy the weapon and upgrade it.

For Rogue - Planar Champion's Blade - One handed
For Warrior - Planar Champion's Mace - One handed
For Cleric - Planar Champion's Stave - Two handed
For Mage - Planar Champion's Staff - Two handed
For Primalist - Planar Champion's Maul - Two handed
The Maths

Comparing the Planar Weapon to the Eternal Weapon
(numbers calculated by the awesome Clowd)

Planar Weapon ilvl
ilvl is increased by +75 per upgrade but +125 when quality increases.
Base – 2650
Relic – 3375
Transcendent – 3950
Final – 4250

ilvl compared to Eternal
2nd Eternal Upgrade = Base Planar Champion
3rd Eternal Upgrade = 5th-6th stage Planar Champion
4th Eternal Upgrade = 10th stage Planar Champion
5th Eternal Upgrade = 16th stage Planar Champion
Final Eternal Upgrade = 20th stage Planar Champion

Rotating Stat Buff
Every minute the weapon cycles through 6 different buffs, each lasting 10 seconds, you can tell which buff stage you are in by the colour of the aura around your character.
Each buff gives 600 resist of the relevant plane and the following stat buffs

– Fire 600 Strength
– Air 600 Dexterity
– Life 600 Wisdom
– Water 600 Intelligence
– Earth 600 Endurance
– Death 3/5/7% flat increase in all damage depending on the rank of your weapon


Upgrade Path

The weapon has TWENTY upgrade stages.
The weapon starts at epic quality, upgrades to relic at stage 9 then to transcendent at stage 16.
The upgrade stages all involve only open world content, there are no dungeons, raids or PVP involved.

Alleja@Zaviel has created a nice table of the upgrade path.

Base Mace for Warrior
Base Dagger for Rogue
Base Hammer for Primalist
Base Staff for Mage
Base Staff for Cleric
Full upgrade path for all weapons

Upgrade 1
Close Air Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Air Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Air Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 2
Close Earth Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Earth Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Earth Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 3
Close Fire Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Fire Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Fire Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 4
Close Water Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Water Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Water Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 5
Close Life Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Life Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Life Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 6
Close Death Rifts level 66 or higher x75
Defeat Death Invasions level 66 or higher x100
Defeat Death Footholds level 66 or higher x50

Upgrade 7
Close Air Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Air Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 8
Close Earth Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Earth Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 9
Close Fire Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Fire Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 10
Close Water Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Water Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 11
Close Life Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Life Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 12
Close Death Rifts level 66 or higher x125
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x20
Defeat Death Footholds level 66 or higher x100

Upgrade 13
Close Air Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Air Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 14
Close Earth Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Earth Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 15
Close Fire Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Fire Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 16
Close Water Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Water Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 17
Close Life Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Life Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 18
Close Death Rifts level 66 or higher x175
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x40
Defeat Death Invasions level 66 or higher x600

Upgrade 19
Close Rifts level 66 or higher x300
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x60
Defeat Invasions level 66 or higher x800

Upgrade 20
Close Rifts level 66 or higher x300
Defeat Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x80
Defeat Invasions level 66 or higher x1000
Close Major Rifts level 66 or higher x100

Fully Upgraded Mace for Warrior
Fully Upgraded Dagger for Rogue
Fully Upgraded Hammer for Primalist
Fully Upgraded Staff for Mage
Fully Upgraded Staff for Cleric
The full updrade path in pictures
Mace - Warrior Weapon
Dagger - Rogue Weapon
Hammer - Primalist Weapon
Staff - Cleric Weapon
Staff - Mage Weapon


Air Rifts x375
Earth Rifts x375
Fire Rifts x375
Water Rifts x375
Life Rifts x375
Death Rifts x375
Rifts x600
Total Rifts: 2850

Air Invasions x700
Earth Invasions x700
Fire Invasions x700
Water Invasions x700
Life Invasions x700
Death Invasions x700
Defeat Invasions x1800
Total Invasions: 6000

Air Footholds x150
Earth Footholds x150
Fire Footholds x150
Water Footholds x150
Life Footholds x150
Death Footholds x150
Total Footholds: 900

VP Bosses:
Total Collossi in Vostigar Peaks x500

Major Rifts:
Total Major Rifts level 66 or higher x100

Tips for Upgrading

All the upgrade requirements require level 66+ content, so there will be no easy farming in Lower level zones!
You will need to be careful in the first areas of Scatherran Forest as some of those planar baddies are level 65 not 66.

Zone Events

A lot of your farming can be done during the various Celestial Lands zone events, especially the Invasion farming, which may be difficult to find otherwise.
The same 6 planar zone events run in the 4 original Celestial zones, (Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire and Ashenfell)

Air – Cyclonic Conflict
Death – Cosmic Void
Life – Horrific Horticulture
Fire – Cauterized Calamity
Water – Cometary Ice
Earth – Tectonic Drift

There is also the Life event ‘Cracking Xarth’s Skull’ in Xarth Mire, which is very good for Life Invasions.

The Vostigar Peaks zone events are useful for Air Footholds, each of the Assault Forts counts as an Air Foothold.

Rifts + Major Rifts

Raid Rifts
The raid rifts are Air and Death, they count as Normal Rift and Major Rifts so will tick both boxes.

Most players use Water Crift lures so joining these groups will be very beneficial when you need water rifts.

Celestial Instant Adventures
Life and Fire rifts are often featured in the Celestial Instant Adventures

Rift Lure
You can use your Rift Lures in Ascended powers to open the flavor rift that you need.

Major Rift Lure
You can also find Major Rift Lures in Ascended powers to open up Major rifts that you need.

Final Stage
The final upgrade stage requires both normal and major rifts. Focus on major rifts first as these will also tick off the normal category!


— The Air Zone event Cyclonic Conflict

— The Death Zone event Cosmic Void 

— The Life Zone event Horrific Horticulture
— The Life Zone event Cracking Xarth’s Skull
— Blackthorn Court in Scatherran Forest /setwaypoint 5931 5503 – Upgrade the Dormant Henge to start a Life invasion onslaught.

— The Fire Zone event Cauterized Calamity
— Gedlonia in Gedlo Badlands /setwaypoint 2773 5993 – Upgrade the Dormant Henge to start a Fire invasion onslaught. (The onslaught near Thedeors Spear in Ashenfell also works but is higher level) 

— The Water Zone event Cometary Ice

— The Earth Zone event Tectonic Drift


An invasion will spawn a foothold when it reaches a set point in the world and is given time to cast the foothold casting spell.
So to spawn a foothold you need invasions to spawn them, to spawn those invasions you can open rifts of the correct planar type and hope that they spawn invasions, then let the invasions travel along the paths til they reach a foothold point and spawn one.
You can clear the footholds of the wrong type from the zone while you wait for invasions/footholds to spawn.

Air Footholds – Each of the Assault Forts in the Vostigar Peaks zone events count as an Air Foothold.
Life Footholds – Planar Anchors in Xarth Mire are almost always up, and count as Life footholds. Slightly harder to farm if you’re low geared, but easy to do for higher geared people. You may also spawn a few Life Invasions while destroying them!

Collosi in Vostigar Peaks

Stand in Vostigar Peaks with friends and wait for the zone events to pop (they are usually pretty regular during peak time).
Destroy all the Assault forts and then hit the boss.
To avoid the boss dying before you reach him..
— Destroy the furthest away forts first
— Use Riding Chaps on your legs to help with mount speed
— Group with people who can summon you to the boss
— Have guildies stood at the boss spot with a banner for you to take
— Ensure the player that summons you is stood a little away from the boss to help increase your load times
— Make sure that YOU kill the boss slowly and encourage your friends/guildies to do the same!

Upgrade Cheevos

As you upgrade your weapon you will earn a variety of cheevos.

The path to greatness...

Earned when you buy any of the Planar Weapons from the vendor. paved with great deeds...

Earned when you upgrade your Planar Weapon 10 times.

...the bodies of fallen enemies...

Earned when you upgrade your Planar Weapon 17 times.

...but the price must be paid.

Earned when fully you upgrade your Planar Weapon (20 times)