Hunt Rifts

Cheevos found in H > Planes > Hunt Rifts

Hunt Rifts

Hunt rifts are a special type of rift that was added for the Storm Legion zones.
There are a bunch of cheevos for closing these rifts, you can find the cheevos in H > Planes > Hunt Rifts.

Hunt Rifts are linked to the Torvan Hunters faction. Torvan Hunter notoriety goes all the way to Venerated. This will take months and months to farm. Complete the questline and then complete the dailies as often as you can until you reach your goal.

Hunt rifts have 7 tiers; Normal hunt rifts, Major hunt rifts, and then 5 tiers of Great hunt rifts. Normal and Major hunt rifts have 3 named rifts for each planar type. The Great hunts have one or two for each plane.

Great Hunt rifts were 20 man level 60 content back on release.
If you are still levelling your character, then it is best you leave this questline for now and come back at level 70 with at least half decent gear.

There are Planar Anomalys around the rifts to regain Planar Charges.
You wont need all the turrets/defences active to be able to complete the rift, however, you do gain small amounts of Torvan Hunters notoriety when you upgrade them, so it can be worthwhile to do during the duller moments.

Normal and Major Hunt Rifts

Normal and Major Hunt Rifts both work the same way. Major Hunt Rifts are harder due to the mobs having more health.
In the rift store you can buy Lures for each named Hunt rift, and for each named Major Hunt rift.
As you level through the Storm Legion zones you will encounter Hunt rifts out in the wild. These should be easy enough to solo, but you can just ignore them and come back to the questline/farm when you are higher level.
Both types are easy to solo at level 70.

Closing Normal and Major Hunt Rifts

  • Stage 1: There will be a broken Conduit in the middle of the rift which you need to upgrade using Nexus Infusion. This consumes planar charges, you can always find a Planar Anomoly around the edge of a Hunt rift to refill your charges. There will also be adds to kill, usually 4 of them.
  • Stage 2: Waves of invasions will try to attack the Conduit.. Kill them!
  • Stage 3: 2 large adds will spawn and then the Herald will spawn. Kill the adds first and then DPS the Herald, he will reach 50% and then go hide.
  • Stage 4: More waves of invasions, they will try to get to the middle of the rift to spawn a foothold. Kill them!
  • Stage 5: Around 7-10 adds will spawn along with the Herald. Kill the adds first, for every add that is up the Herald will take less damage. When all the adds are dead, kill the Herald to complete the rift.
  • At the end of the Hunt Rift there will be a treasure chest in the middle. These contain Essences for level 50-60.

Great Hunt Rifts

Great Hunt rifts were 20 man level 60 content during Storm Legion.
You will require a Raid Tear to open a Great Hunt rift. These are found in Ashora, Steppes, and Dendrome.
Great Hunt rifts have 5 tiers, each getting more difficult as you go up.
In the rift store you can buy Lures for each specific named Great Hunt rift. There is also a Lure that will open a random rift from tier 1-3, and a lure for a random rift from tiers 4 and 5.

All of the Great Hunt rifts are soloable at level 70, however, the higher tier ones can be challenging to manage if you don’t keep on top of the invasions.

The main boss of a great hunt rift is called a Planarch. Planarchs will gain a shield that can only be removed by dragging it near an active turret.

There will be multiple turrets around the rift that you can upgrade using Nexus Infusion.
There will be 1 or 3 Conduits. In higher tiers you will need to successfully defend all 3 Conduits to complete the rift.

Hunt Rift Questline

Rifts beyond the ward


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Collect Empyrean Fragments from rift creatures x22

Head out to the Storm Legion zones and close rifts, destroy footholds, or defeat invasion forces. These planar creatures do not have to be from hunt rifts. Make sure you loot all the corpses until you have 22 Empyrean Fragments.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘hunt room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Conduits of Power


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use the Conduit Materials at the Torvan camp in Pelladane or Cape Jule

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Conduit Materials’

There are two locations where you can complete this quest.
In Cape Jule at /setwaypoint 6978 11633
In Pelladane at /setwaypoint 7649 5119
It does not matter which location you choose.

At the location you will find a Torvan Engineer near a blue platform on the ground.
Stand on the platform and use the quest item ‘Conduit Materials’.

Two clickable pillars will appear either side of the platform.

Your quest objective will change to ‘Activate the Conduit Nexus, and Tune the Conduit Regulator’

Click both the pillars.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend the Conduit’

A few bad guys will attack, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Planar Translocation


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Speak with Cora Temarin about purchasing a Hunt rift lure.

Cora Temarin is the first NPC in the row of Hunt rift NPCs in the Hunt Room.
/setwaypoint 13127 11525

When you speak with Cora Temarin she will ask if you want to buy a hunt rift and open up the shop.

To start with you will only be able to buy the first tier of hunt rifts. Then as you progress through the Torvan Hunters notoriety, and earn the hunt rift cheevos you will unlock the ability to buy the next tiers of hunt rifts.

You can buy hunt rifts wherever you are by using the rift store.
Go to: Store > Rifts > Hunt or Great Hunt

Normal Hunt rifts can also open in the Storm Legion zones by themselves. They are marked as normal rifts on the map, so you will need to check each rift until you find one.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Open a Hunt rift and collect a Herald’s Insight Crystal from a Herald’

A Herald is the last boss from every type of normal hunt rift. It doesn’t matter which plane you buy.
You can also search the open world to find a Hunt rift that is already open and close it to complete the quest.

The Herald will appear as an item in your rift loot bag.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Torva's Legacy


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Read Treatise on Invasions
Read Conduit Schematics
Read Eulogy of Torva

Find the 3 books on the tables in the Hunt Room.

Treatise on Invasions
/setwaypoint 13126 11516
Conduit Schematics
/setwaypoint 13119 11524
Eulogy of Torva
/setwaypoint 13112 11531

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Malicious Undercurrents


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use Torvan Dispeller on a Herald in a Hunt Rift

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Torvan Dispeller’

Go back out to the Storm Legion zones, find yourself (or open) a Hunt Rift.

Kill the creatures until you reach the 3rd or 5th stage with the Herald.
Target the Herald and use the Torvan Dispeller on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect a Shadow Directive from a Shadow Mercenary’

A Shadow Mercenary mob will spawn next to the Herald. Kill it and loot it.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Deceptive Elements


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use the Mercenary Disguise

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mercenary Disguise’

Go to the hill in the north east of Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 8660 7522

Click the Disguise to gain the ‘Mercenary Aura’ buff. This will allow you to go along the paths without being attacked.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with a Shadow Mercenary while disguised’

Right click any of the Shadow Mercenary’s with the disguise buff on.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Commander Powell’

Go to Commander Powell on the hill at
/setwaypoint 8635 7475
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Commander Powell’

Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Restless Prey


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Collect Mercenary Communiques from Heralds in Hunt Rifts x4

Go and close 4 Hunt Rifts. You can find the rifts in the open world, or open them yourself.
Loot the Mercenary Communiques from the Heralds in the last stage of the rift.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Overwhelming Force


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use the lure to open the Overwhelming Force rift

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lure: Overwhelming Force’

The lure must be used on a level 60 normal rift tear. Level 60 tears can be found in Ashora, Steppes or Dendrome.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete the Overwhelming Force rift’

Kill all the baddies around the portals to close the rift.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Night of the Hunter


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Speak with Horace Gern about purchasing a Great Hunt rift lure

Horace Gern is the second NPC in the row of Hunt rift NPCs in the Hunt Room.
/setwaypoint 13125 11527

When you speak with Horace Gern he will ask if you want to buy a Great Hunt Rift and open up the shop.
Horace Gern sells the tier 1 Great Hunt Lures.

Most newer players will be unable to buy these Great Hunt Lures yet.
To be able to buy specific Great Hunt Lures you will have to close more of the normal hunt lures to gain the first Hunt Meta Cheevo; Great Hunt Rank I.

You can avoid all this work by buying the ‘Lure: Random Great Hunt I-III’. You can find this item in the rift store under Rifts>Great Hunt (Sort by price to bring it to the top)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Open a Great Hunt rift and collect a Planarch’s Sight Orb from a Planarch’

Use a specific Great Hunt lure, OR the Random lure explained above.
Find yourself a raid tear (orange) in Ashora, Steppes or Dendrome, use the lure on it.
Kill all the baddies and loot the Sight Orb from the last boss.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Echoes of Deceit


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Examine the Extinguished Fire

Find the Extinguished Fire in the south west of Steppes of Infinity.
/setwaypoint 14642 8659

Kill the baddies and then click the fire to examine it.

A ‘Fire Trap’ mob will spawn, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Read Ragged Journal’

Click the book in the nearby tent.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Empyrean Stabilizer’

Click the glowing container next to the tent.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Screams Within


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use the Empyrean Stabilizer on Planarchs in Great Hunt rifts x3

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Empyrean Stabilizer’

You can use a specific Great Hunt lure, OR the Random lure explained above in quest 9.
Find yourself a raid tear (orange) in Ashora, Steppes or Dendrome, use the lure on it.
Kill all the baddies until the last boss spawns, then target the boss and use the Empyrean Stabilizer on it.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Hunt or be Hunted


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Scout the Envoy’s scrap yard

Head to the south east of Ashora and find the Envoy’s scrap yard at
/setwaypoint 4888 7639

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Torvan Scanner’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy’

Stand among the scraps and use the Torvan Scanner until the Envoy appears.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy’

Head to the new marked location to the west at /setwaypoint 4761 7561

Use the Torvan Scanner in the second location to find the Envoy.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy’

Head to the new marked location to the north at /setwaypoint 4781 7287

Use the Torvan Scanner in the third location to find the Envoy.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Expose the Envoy and turn her traps against her’

Head to the new marked location to the east at /setwaypoint 5061 7184

Stand in the middle of the platform and use the Torvan Scanner. Kill the Warden that spawns and then click the trap in front of the Envoy.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Husk of Steel


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Visit Torva’s grave

Go to Torva’s grave in the east of Ashora
/setwaypoint 4499 7185

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine trail of clues x7’

  1. Click the Disturbed Stones on the grave at /setwaypoint 4499 7185
  2. Click the Cloth Scrap at
    /setwaypoint 4518 7153
  3. Click the Skull at
    /setwaypoint 4562 7131
  4. Click the Cloth Scrap at
    /setwaypoint 4600 7150
  5. Click the Disturbed Stones at
    /setwaypoint 4651 7108
  6. Click the Bones at
    /setwaypoint 4676 7107
  7. Click the Disturbed Stones at
    /setwaypoint 4756 7002

Note: There are more clues on the ground than you need.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate the Charging Station’

Go to the Charging Station on the platform at /setwaypoint 4803 6941
Click the Charging Station to activate it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect a Sabotaged Sequencer from Engineer V-702’

The mech behind the Charging Station will activate, kill it and loot the Sequencer.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Tyranny of the Mind


The quest is picked up from Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

Use lure to open the Tyranny of the Mind rift

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lure: Tyranny of the Mind’

Find yourself a level 60 normal rift tear and use the Lure to open up the Tyranny of the Mind rift.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Liberate Torva’

Complete the stages of the rift.

Hand in the quest to Korvin Anders in the Tempest Bay ‘Hunt Room’
/setwaypoint 13129 11510

This is the end of the Hunt Rift questline. You will now be able to pick up an extra daily quest, to close 3 great hunt rifts.

Hunt Rift Cheevos

Each of the named Hunt Rifts has it’s own individual cheevo worth 10 points.
Completing each tier of these rifts will grant you the meta cheevos below.

Leader of the Hunt

Open 50 Hunt rifts with lures. You can buy the lures in the Hunt Room in Tempest Bay or you can buy them in the Rift Store while on your travels.

The Major rift lures do count towards this cheevo. The Great Hunt lures do not count.

Note: You only need to open the rift to credit the cheevo, you can then leave it to close naturally if you cba to close it yourself.

Leader of the Great Hunt

Open 100 Great Hunt rifts with lures. You can buy the lures in the Hunt Room in Tempest Bay or you can buy them in the Rift Store while on your travels. You can use the random lure, which is slightly cheaper than the named lures.
Great Hunts require a Raid Tear to open. You will find these in Ashora, Steppes and Dendrome.

Note: You only need to open the rift to credit the cheevo, you can then leave it to close naturally if you cba to close it yourself.

Great Hunt Rank I

Close all 18 of the named normal Hunt rifts.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank I cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Astadan Statue

Great Hunt Rank II

Close all 6 of the named Great Hunt I rifts.
You also need to have completed the Great Hunt Rank I cheevo.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank II cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Diravoss Statue

Great Hunt Rank III

Close all 6 of the named Great Hunt II rifts.
You also need to have completed the Great Hunt Rank II cheevo.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank III cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Festigor Statue

Great Hunt Rank IV

Close all 8 of the named Great Hunt III rifts.
You also need to have completed the Great Hunt Rank III cheevo.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank IV cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Jaklorin Statue

Great Hunt Rank V

Close all 10 of the named Great Hunt IV rifts.
You also need to have completed the Great Hunt Rank IV cheevo.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank V cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Grimlor Statue

Great Hunt Rank VI

Close all 12 of the named Great Hunt V rifts.
You also need to have completed the Great Hunt Rank V cheevo.

Completing the Great Hunt Rank VI cheevo awards you with the Dimension item: Korlam Statue

Major Prey

Close all 18 of the named Major Hunt rifts.