Nightmare Coast

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift: Nightmare Tide > Nightmare Coast


Location: Shimmersand
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 6555 7344

Number of Standard bosses: 4
Level of Standard bosses: 60-63
Number of Expert bosses: 4
Level of Expert bosses: 65

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: ###

A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

The Nightmare Coast Dungeon was released a few weeks before the Nightmare Tide expansion. It was designed as a ‘preview’ of the kind of content we had coming. It also dropped some nice catch up loot for players to start their journeys through the Nightmare Tide zones.

Unlike most other dungeons in the game, A few of the specific boss cheevos can be granted during the normal mode run.
Any that I know can be completed in normal mode will be marked as such.

The Trash before Boss 1

Route to first boss

There are a large amount of adds in the first area of the Dungeon. Killing them will start carnage style quests asking you to kill more of them.
Most groups will ignore most of the adds and take the shortest route possible to the first boss.

You will need to kill at least 2 of the Mindshapers before you can engage the first boss, thankfully there are 2 along the way, even using the shortcut!

If you are in the normal mode dungeon for the first time, there will be some extra quests to do as well! These can all be easily soloed at max level.

Boss 1 - Hydal Ithral - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

This boss is called ‘The Dream Eater’ on the dungeon quest objectives.

There are a few abilities to watch out for:

  • Nightmare Orbs – The boss throws a Trident at a random player, this Trident spawns a Nightmare Orb. The Nightmare Orb will create a beam between itself and the boss – Stay out of the beam! You can DPS the orbs down if it gets too busy.
  • Nightshade – A DoT placed on random players, this can be cleansed off.
  • Devour Fear – The boss gains an absorb shield – The shield will grant him immunity to attacks, as well as increasing the damage he deals and slowing his movement speed. – Low level tanks will need to kite him around the room or risk dying from his increased damage. – DPS should DPS the shield down to remove it — In Expert Mode only, the shield can also be removed by dragging the boss in the Nightmare Column around the edge of the room, these are the hands with the white spikes/aoe around them. – The tank needs to be careful not to stand in the white themselves while the boss is in there, or they will take lots of damage and likely die.
  • Mark of Atrophy – Players have a purple AoE placed on them, after 6 seconds the AoE will drop on the floor where the players are stood, the AoE will turn red and have a nasty spike inside it! – Stay out the bad! – Low level groups will need to be careful where they drop these AoE’s as the room will soon fill up. – Most group will have everyone stack up behind the boss so all the red is in the same spot. – The red does disappear after a while.
Hydal Ithral
Route to boss 2

To avoid trash between the first and second boss, head north and then go along the coastline to the west.

Your dungeon quest objective will say ‘Investigate the Sinister Presence’

Go to the patch of land just in from of the ocean where the Sinister Presence is, he will have a chat and then Akylios will spawn in the sea behind him.
If the Sinister Presence isn’t talking, move away from the sea towards the middle/back of the area.

Boss 2 - Shade of Akylios - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

There are a few abilities to watch out for:

  • Deepsea Debris – A large AoE on the ground, this will pulse for a few seconds and them a large Icicle will erupt from the ground, when it does, anyone in the red AoE will be knocked back.
  • Crushing Tide – Akylios will cast a Tidal wave aof water from himself – You need to line of sight the boss behind one of the giant Icicles. If the Icicle has a pulsing blue AoE around it, then it will despawn soon, don’t hide behind those ones!
  • Decent Into Madness – A random player will get 5 stacks of a debuff, this player will see light beams flickering out of their head. The player will be able to see green orbs around the clearing, the players needs to run through those orbs to remove all 5 stacks of the debuff. – This must be done quickly, if the time runs out then the player will be mind controlled and attack other players! – If you are soloing this boss then you may find it resetting if you get mind controlled. To avoid this, ensure you run through the orbs quickle to clear the debuff.
  • Blighted Lesion – Three Tentacles spawn in the area. – These deal damage and drain mana users of mana. DPS them down if you need to. They will despawn after a while.
  • Waves of Madness – The land will light up with red paths, after a few seconds waves of water will flow down the paths – Move out of the red to avoid being hit be water – As the fight progresses the waves will come closer together, often nearly overlapping. You will need to pay close attention to ensure you don’t get hit.
Shade of Akylios
Route to boss 3

Go through the portal in the sea behind where Aklios spawned, this will take you up to the bridge above.

To avoid the trash between the second and third boss, most groups will go along the rocks on the very edge of the bridge on the left side. There are a few spots here where you need to be very careful not to fall!

You can then avoid the large group of mobs in front of the slope up to the third bosses platform by jumping up the side of the slope.

Boss 3 - Dalraak the Shadowlord - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

There are a few abilities to watch out for:

  • The Demon Within – Every player will have a purple circle around them. The more the circles overlap, the more damage those players will take. – The group should spread out equally around the edges of the platform for the duration of the fight.
  • Portals – There will be portals spawning that will release adds every 10 seconds. Low level groups will need to DPS the portals down to avoid being over-run by adds.
  • Warped Reality – An interruptible cast, if it completes then it will debuff the tank causing them to take more damage. – The boss only casts this when he is below 15% health.
  • Blade of Tyranny – A big hit on the tank, low level groups will need to be careful of this!
  • Shadow Stitch – The boss places a DoT on a random player. The player will also be rooted – This DoT can be cleansed off, or the Shadow Stitch cast is interruptible.
  • Mass Shadow Stitch – Same as above but hits more players and deals more damage.
  • Shadoweave – The boss will shoot a laser beam at one of the adds, buffing the add to deal more damage.
  • Mass Shadoweave – As above, but the boss will target and buff up to 10 adds!
Dalraak the Shadowlord

Boss 4 - Shade of Lord Arak - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

When you enter the boss area, there will be 3 ‘Dream Coven Nightbringers’ casting a spell.
You need to walk into the middle of the area to interrupt this spell. You don’t need to DPS or click anything, just be close to the Nightbringers. Sometimes you may need to walk around a bit for the game to register you are there!

During this fight, you don’t actually need to DPS the boss at all. All your DPS should focus on killing the 4 ‘Manifest Terror’ adds that spawn. When all 4 of these adds are dead, the fight will be over.
Lord Arak will spawn after the first Manifest Terror add is dead.

There are a few abilities to watch out for:

  • Destroy Reality – Lord Arak will have a large lightning AoE around him. – The whole group, including the tank, needs to move out of the AoE before the cast is over.
  • Smash – Lork Arak casts a red frontal cone. – Move out of it.
  • Circle of Terror – Lord Arak will have a red AoE around himself, stay out of it!

The Manifest Terrors will spawn one at a time, when one dies, the next will spawn. They will always spawn next to the Dream Coven Nightbringers.

  • Horrible Transformation – Cast by Manifest Terrors. This needs to be interrupted! If you don’t rupt, the Manifest Terror will heal and it’s damage will increase by a lot! – The Manifest Terror will also transform into a different creature, but its name will stay the same.
  • Numbing Cold – Cast by Manifest Terrors – Debuffs all players – The debuff can be cleansed – The spell is interruptible but it’s best to save your rupt for Horrible Transformation.
  • Rend the Ward – There will be ‘Nightmare Fracture’ portals that spawn in the area that will release other adds, you can ignore them or cleave them down, if it gets too much you can DPS the portals down.
Shade of Lord Arak

Neutral Quests

These quests are available for Nightmare Coast and are for Guardian and Defiant Characters.
Note: The Faceless Man does not appear until the Sinister Speech is over, even if you kill the Sinister early.

Unfortunate Shore

Normal and Expert mode Nightmare Coast
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Nightmare Coast at /setwaypoint 679 1419
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mindshapers x4

The locations for the 4 Mindshapers are all marked on the map.

Go to each location and kill the Mindshaper you find there.
Every so often they will spawn 3 adds, AoE/cleave them down with the Mindshaper.

After you have killed the 4 Mindshapers, your quest objective will change to ‘Slay Hydal’

Hydal is the first boss, go kill him!

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Stuff Dreams are Made of

Normal and Expert mode Nightmare Coast
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Nightmare Coast at /setwaypoint 679 1419
TO COMPLETE: Dispel the Dreamscrapers x3

Find the Dreamscapers inside some of the houses.

Stand near the Dreamscaper to gain the temporary ability ‘Waning Shadow’. Use Waning Shadow on the Dreamscaper to remove stacks of the buff ‘Empowered’. Every time you remove a stack of the buff, the Dreamscaper will spawn an add. Low level groups will want to do this slowly so their tank doesn’t get squished by too many adds.
When all the stacks of Empowered have been removed, you can then kill the Dreamscaper.

When you have killed 3 of them, your quest objective will change to ‘Confront the Sinister Presence by the dock’

The Sinister Presence will appear just before the second boss spawns, you need to kill the first boss first!

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Sleeping on the Job

Normal and Expert mode Nightmare Coast
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Nightmare Coast at /setwaypoint 679 1419
TO COMPLETE: Awaken Sleeping Unseen Agents x5

Find the Sleeping Agents dotted around the town.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Smelling Salts’. Target the Sleeping Agents and use the Smelling Salts to wake them up.

One of them you can’t get to til after you have killed the first boss.

One of them is up on the bridge that can only be accessed after you have killed the second boss. There is also an extra one up here so you don’t have to go back back if you miss one below!

You can use
/target unseen
to help find them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Achievements Available

Unlike every other dungeon in the game, A few of the specific boss cheevos can be granted during the normal mode run.
Any that I know can be completed in normal mode will be marked as such.

Conqueror: Nightmare Coast

Complete all the cheevos in Nightmare Coast

Completing this cheevo awards ‘The Burning Crown of Raziel’
This item will place a burning crown around your head. This does not overwrite your costume helm.
The crown can be used every 10 seconds. Unfortunately it drops off often, even just teleporting gets rid of it.

Rapid Assault: Nightmare Coast Expert

Complete Nightmare Coast Expert in 20 minutes or less.

Nightmare Coast

Complete Nightmare Coast on Expert difficulty

Rapid Assault: Nightmare Coast

Complete Nightmare Coast Normal in 20 minutes or less.

Nightmare Coast

Complete Nightmare Coast on Normal difficulty

Excuse Me, I’m Trying To Look At The Water!

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

When you first enter the dungeon on expert or normal mode, there will be a sinister presence talking at the top of the stairs. Kill it quickly before he finishes talking to grant this cheevo.

Hydal Ithral
Sweet Dreams

Kill Hydal Ithral in Nightmare Coast Normal mode

The Big Sleep

Kill Hydal Ithral in Nightmare Coast Expert mode

Power Nap

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

Kill her quickly!

The Nightmare Waltz

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

Don’t kill any of the orbs that spawn

Don't go into the Light

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Keep the boss away from the Nightmare Columns around the room, these are the hands with the white spikes/aoe around them. Use DPS to remove his shield instead.

Go Into the Light (And Stay There)

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Hold the boss inside the Nightmare Columns around the room, these are the hands with the white spikes/aoe around them. Hold him there for over 60 seconds. The 60 seconds do NOT need to be consecutive, you can hold him in short amounts in different ones (4 sets of 15seconds, or 3 sets of 20, etc.), thus giving your healers a bit of a break! It’s always best to do a few extra seconds, just in case the counting is a bit off.
Low level tanks will need to ensure they hold the boss in the white while staying out of it themselves!

Shade of Akylios
Squidn't We Already Kill Him?

Kill Shade of Akylios in Nightmare Coast Normal mode

Small Pond, Big Tentacle Monster

Kill Shade of Akylios in Nightmare Coast Expert mode


Can be completed in Normal Mode.

Kill 10 of the Tentacles that spawn during the fight. They spawn in groups of 3, so you will need at least 4 spawn cycles.
Count carefully and don’t be fooled by tentacles that despawn while at low health, if you are unsure if its a despawn or a kill, then just kill more of them!

Dodge the What?

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Stand in the red, enjoy yourself!

A Leaf on the Wave

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

This cheevo used to be super hard, with many groups resorting to finding obscure ‘safe spots’ (Stand on the boats!)
Now that you can blitz the boss before the first waves even appear it is much easier!
This is a personal cheevo.

A Shadow of Himself

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

Watch your friends dissolve into anarchy as you try to get your whole group to avoid the waves.

Dalraak the Shadowlord
Light up the Shadowlord

Kill Dalraak the Shadowlord in Nightmare Coast Normal mode

Down With Dalraak

Kill Dalraak the Shadowlord in Nightmare Coast Expert mode

Killing them Quickly

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

The horde of Dalrakk’s acolytes are found in the area just before the boss platform. Gather all the mobs up and AoE them down asap. Or you can take them in smaller groups. As long as all of them are dead within 21 seconds then the cheevo will pop!

Deny Dalraak

Can be completed in Normal Mode.

Don’t Die and tell your mates not to die either.

The Meat Grinder

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Kill the adds that spawn from the portals.. count carefully!
Be careful not to DPS the portals themselves as this will just make the whole cheevos take longer.
It’s best if your tank gathers the adds and hold them away from the portals.
If you do destroy a portal then all the adds that spawned from it will despawn, these adds will not count as ‘killed’ adds.
Kill a few extra adds after you think you have hit 50, to be sure!

Selective Pacifism

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Single target DPS only on the boss. If you need to then kill a couple of the portals to make some of the current adds despawn.

Shade of Lord Arak
You Didn't say the Magic Word

Kill Shade of Lord Arak in Nightmare Coast Normal mode

Another Day, Another Doomsday

Kill Shade of Lord Arak in Nightmare Coast Expert mode


Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

The Shadowgate Sappers will spawn from the Nightmare Fracture portals. DPS down the portals quickly and kill any Shadowgate Sappers that spawn to keep below 3.

Night Kiting

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

Let the portals spawn all the adds!
Kill 3 of the Manifest Terrors, while allowing the Shadowgate Sappers to spawn, then wait to kill the last Manifest Terror until you have 15 Shadowgate Sappers up at once. Carefully single target down the last Manifest Terror.

More than you need is always better!
Dungeon Puzzle

Can only be completed in Expert Mode.

The puzzle is 4 separate levers that make 4 small platforms appear for a short time. Someone needs to stand on each of the small platforms.

Note that with a full group of 5 people you can have 4 players on the levers and pull them all at once so the jumper just jumps from one platform to the next!

You need at least 2 people to do the quest as the platforms will only be there while the lever is being pulled.

When each of the platforms has been stood on, you then pull the lever near the cave exit to stop the waves, and go out of the cave to loot the chest. If the lever at the top doesn’t appear then you have likely missed a platform.

The entrance for the puzzle cave is at /setwaypoint 815 1268