Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > The Iron Tomb
Location: Freemarch
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 6170 4810
Number of Standard bosses: 3
Level of Standard bosses: 18
Number of Expert bosses: 6
Level of Expert bosses: 52
Solo at 70?: Yes easily
All cheevos while solo?: Yes, but ‘Fixing Mistakes’ is much quicker with more players.
A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.
Note: This guide is for the level 50 Mathosian version The Iron Tomb, Click here for the level 65 Nightmare Tide version Return to Iron Tomb.
Boss 1 - Broodmother Venoxas - Expert Mode
Broodmother Venoxas will go to Hives around the room to spawn some babies, these are easily killed.

Boss 2 - Caor Ashstone - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
Caor Ashstone has three main abilities
- Ashstone’s Curse (cast on a random player) – Low damage and stuns the player effected.
- Aura of Decay – Reduces your damage and increases your damage taken.
- Jagged Wounds (cast on the tank) – A DoT that will stack up and get harder to heal through until eventually killing the tank.

Boss 3 - The Three Kings - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
There are 3 statues on the platform, a King will spawn one at a time from each statue, first Humbart the Bold, then Derribec the Magus and finally Laric the Ascendant. When you have killed them individually, they will then all spawn at the same time and you need to kill all 3 together.
- Humbart has a frontal cleave called Deathly Whirlwind and a Knockback ability. He can be fought with the tank’s back against his statue.
- Derribec casts Rend Life which is a single target damaging ability.
- Laric has a heal spell called Unholy Healing which should be interrupted if possible.
When all 3 bosses spawn together, the easiest kill order for a low level group is Laric, Derribec and then Humbart.

Between The Three Kings and Bonelord Fetlorn is a long tunnel with a lot of trash. Many groups come up with inventive ways to avoid this trash, often involving summons or group resurrects, be sure to discuss your groups plan and react acordingly.
Upon reaching Eliam’s Tomb you will notice the door to the next boss is locked.
You need to activate all the orb lights in the room to open the door.
As an added bonus, the lights will damage the Shadowed Fiends in the room, helping you kill them faster!

Boss 4 - Bonelord Fetlorn - Expert Mode
Bonelord Fetlorn has a couple of main abilities
- Bone Theft – Will spawn a ‘Stolen Skeleton’ mob for every player in line of sight of the boss, will also snare the players and make them take more damage.
- Boiling Marrow – Stuns and causes damage.
Doing this boss at low level will involve line of sighting the boss when he casts these abilities, the tank will LoS behind the pillar in the small room, the group will LoS by standing at the doorway and then sidestepping behind the wall when he casts.

Boss 5 - Ragnoth the Despoiler - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
Ragnoth the Despoiler has one main ability called Flames of Ragnoth, this is huge damage to low level players. Everyone should run to the Light of Eliam, an NPC which spawns a protective circle of light around him, this light circle will spawn just before the Flames of Ragnoth is cast, the circle will spawn randomly in one of 4 spots, so be sure to watch for it.
Just before the Flames of Ragnoth is cast, the boss with stun/slow a random player, this can be cleansed off to allow the player to reach the circle safely.
Ragnoth also has a frontal cleave so the tank will need to tank him facing away from the group, this will need careful manoeuvring if the tank is too weak to survive the Flame of Ragnoth cast and also needs to use the circle of light.

Boss 6 - Totek the Ancient - Expert Mode
Totek the Ancient will do a knockback every so often so you will want to tank him up against a rock/wall.
He will become furious, casting Shattering Roar, Ancient Fury and Devastation.
Get out of the big yellow circle around him and LoS if possible so that Devastation doesn’t hit you (This can still hurt even a high level character).

Defiant Quests
These quests are available in Normal mode Iron Tomb and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.
QUEST: The Outlaw (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kip Bayne in Orphiel’s Spire in Meridian (Second from top floor) /setwaypoint 5980 5134
TO COMPLETE: Speak with the ghost of Eliam in Iron Tomb
QUEST: Source of the Control (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eliam’s Ghost in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 771 1107
TO COMPLETE: Find the Sourcestone Amulets
QUEST: Relics of the March Warden (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eliam’s Ghost in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 771 1107
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed
Collect Staff of Derribec
Collect Horn of Humbart
Collect Targe of Laric
Kill the Three Kings within the Iron Tomb dungeon and loot these items from their corpses, these items are looted form the ‘versions’ that spawn one at a time, before all 3 spawn at once. Loot each individual corpse for the correct item.
Return the Relics to the Faceless Man in Meridian, find him at the top of Orphiel’s Spire in Meridian (Second from top floor)
/setwaypoint 5997 5135
QUEST: You Are Who They Call (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Davian Crow in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 728 1030
TO COMPLETE: Drag Spectral Screamers into Spectral Traps x10
Next to the quest giver is a chest, right click the chest to loot the ‘Spectral Bane’ this item will be attached to your quest sticky, you can drag it from here onto your bars for ease of use. Players not on the quest can also grab their own Spectral Banes from the chest to help!
After you kill the Three Kings, the circle on the floor will turn into a Spectral Trap.
Around the room, lots of mobs will have spawned, some of these will be Spectral Screamers.
Use the Spectral Bane ability to capture the Spectral Screamers and have them chained to you, drag them into the Trap to capture them.
You can grab 2 or 3 Screamers at a time to make this go quicker, the quest is also shared, so try to do this in a group!
Some of the group will need to keep the other types of mobs away from the players capturing the Screamers.
When you have trapped 10 of them, a big lever will appear in the middle of the room, pull the lever to seal the trap, this will also be the quest hand in.
QUEST: Laid to Rest (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tobias Leighton in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 780 894 (after the Three Kings)
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Death Shards x3
The locations of the death shards are clearly marked on your map.
When you attack them they will spawn a lot of adds! The general tactic is for everyone to stack on the shard and use AoE abilities to kill everything quickly.
/setwaypoint 762 839
/setwaypoint 731 796
/setwaypoint 584 945
When you have killed all 3, Tobias Leighton will spawn in the final location at /setwaypoint 596 943 so you can hand in the quest
Guardian Quests
These quests are available in The Iron Tomb Normal Mode and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.
QUEST: Source of the Control (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eliam’s Ghost in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 771 1107
TO COMPLETE: Find the Sourcestone Amulets
QUEST: Relics of the March Warden (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eliam’s Ghost in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 771 1107
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed
Collect Staff of Derribec
Collect Horn of Humbart
Collect Targe of Laric
Kill the Three Kings within the Iron Tomb dungeon and loot these items from their corpses, these items are looted form the ‘versions’ that spawn one at a time, before all 3 spawn at once. Loot each individual corpse for the correct item.
Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7515 3052
QUEST: Laid to Rest (Normal mode Iron Tomb)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tobias Leighton in Iron Tomb Dungeon at /setwaypoint 780 894 (after the Three Kings)
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Death Shards x3
The locations of the death shards are clearly marked on your map.
When you attack them they will spawn a lot of adds! The general tactic is for everyone to stack on the shard and use AoE abilities to kill everything quickly.
/setwaypoint 762 839
/setwaypoint 731 796
/setwaypoint 584 945
When you have killed all 3, Tobias Leighton will spawn in the final location at /setwaypoint 596 943 so you can hand in the quest
Achievements Available
Conqueror: Iron Tomb

Complete the 3 cheevos listed
Achiever: Iron Tomb

Complete all the cheevos in Iron Tomb
Rapid Assault: Iron Tomb

Finish Iron Tomb on expert difficulty within 25 minutes of first combat
Expert: Iron Tomb

Defeat all the bosses in Iron Tomb on expert difficulty
Iron Tomb

Defeat the 3 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode
Broodmother Venoxas
Be Gentle

Dont kill the ‘defender’ adds that spawn from the Hives. You may need to ensure your group uses no AOE spells, stay single target on the Broodmother
Caor Ashstone
Minimal Decay

Aura of Decay will stack up the longer you are in line of sight of the boss, if you get to 3 stacks then go out of line of sight from the boss til your stacks are gone. This one can be difficult to manage with a low level group. Most groups will have enough DPS to hard burn the boss before anyone reaches 3 stacks.
The Three Kings
We All Fall Down

When the 3 Kings spawn together, kill all 3 of them within 10 seconds of each other
Low level groups will need to carefully manage their DPS and bring each boss to 5% and then kill them all together quickly
We Three Kings

Kill the 3 Kings in different orders, saving the one you still need for last.
Endless Bones

When the 3 Kings spawn together kill Humbart and Derribec and leave only Laric alive. Hold your DPS! a bunch of adds will start to join the party, keep killing everything until you have killed 40 of the Helots (this will take a couple of minutes) they tend to spawn 5 at a time, kill a few extras just in case!
Bonelord Fetlorn
Fixing Mistakes

Each time the boss casts ‘Bone Theft’ a Stolen Skeleton will spawn on any player that is within line of sight.
For a solo player, you will need to body agro the boss (stand near him to pull but don’t attack) and then wait over 6 minutes for a total of 11 skeletons to spawn, be ready with a big aoe spell so you can kill all 11 of them at once and then kill the boss.
Adding more players will spawn more skeletons on each cast, shortening the time you need to wait to reach 11.
Out of Sight

Ensure you go out of line of sight from the boss when he casts Bone Theft
Ragnoth the Despoiler
Eliam Be Praised

Ensure everyone gets in the circle of light during the Flame of Ragnoth
Just before the Flame of Ragnoth is cast, the boss with stun/slow a random player, this can be cleansed off to allow the player to reach the circle safely.
Big Heals!

Stand out of the circle during the Flames of Ragnoth.
Low level players will need a dedicated healer to ensure they survive!
This cheevo will pop as soon as the Flame of Ragnoth cast is finished, as long as the player survives! So the next time the Flame of Ragnoth is cast, a different player can stand out and be healed, keep taking turns and the whole group can get the cheevo in one run.
Totek the Ancient
Keep Your Enemies Closer

The easiest way is to kill the boss before he casts it! Otherwise, as soon as the Ancient Fury ability is finished, ensure your group has the boss out of line of sight and he shouldn’t cast it, this way is not always completely reliable.