King’s Breach

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > King’s Breach


Location: Scarwood Reach
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 3288 4310

Number of Standard bosses: 4
Level of Standard bosses: 33-42
Number of Expert bosses: 5
Level of Expert bosses: 52

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: Yes

A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

Oodles of trash

When you first enter the dungeon there will be lots of patrolling trash mobs that you need to kill, there are also 3 large tree stumps with mobs on top of them, these mobs include a ‘Jadescale Lifewarden’ which is channelling a spell towards the central rift. All of the Jadescale Lifewardens need to die before the first boss will spawn in the rift.

Boss 1 - Hunter Suleng - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

The boss cleaves, so keep him faced away from the group.
During the fight warhound adds will spawn 2 at a time, make sure the tank picks them up, they can be easily cleaved or AoE’d down with the boss.

Hunter Suleng
Death Beacons

There are Death Beacons in 3 locations around the dungeon. Purple dots on the map above.
Kill the adds around them and then get into melee range with the Beacon. As you kill the beacon it will fire a death beam towards a random player, that player will need extra heals. You will also have ‘Putrid Grave Leeches’ come up from underground to attack you, 2 or 3 of these will spawn during the fight so be sure to kill them quickly.

Boss 2 - Ravalos - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Low level groups will want to carefully pull the trash mobs into the previous cavern to DPS them down before they pull the boss.

Tank should keep the boss still and ranged spread around the room while melee stands to the side of the boss.

Boss has a Frontal cone attack that will stun anyone in it and a tail swipe attack that will knock back players it hits.
The boss will throw a ground AoE randomly on the floor that will hurt anyone who stands in it.


Boss 3 - Manticore Sentries - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Kill the two Death Beacons to summon the boss.

In normal mode you will only need to kill one of these flying boys.
In expert mode you will need to pull them both at the same time and kill them both.

Flesheater Autoch

Flesheater Autoch will knockback the tank and then charge a random player that is stood at range. The charge will leave a painful DoT on the targeted player.
To mitigate this, have your tank stand with his back against a wall, there is a tree trunk to the left of the bosses with a little alcove that is perfect for this, and have everyone stood at melee range.

Soulflayer Mondrach

Mondrach has a frontal cleave and will randomly charge at players, it’s best to stay in melee range stood behind him.

Manticore Sentries

Boss 4 - Shadehorror Phantasm - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

The Shadehorror does a lot of AoE damage, be ready to heal the whole group!

At various points during the fight the Shadehorror will go immune and summon a bunch (one for each group member) of very pretty ghost adds, you will unfortunately need to kill them to progress. These adds will spawn in random locations and start hitting whoever they are closest to, so be sure your tank picks them up quickly.

Shadehorror Phantasm

Boss 5 - Konstantin - Expert Mode

Go down into the tunnel behind where bosses 3 and 4 were /setwaypoint 719 731

This boss is a simple tank and spank.. it’s the room he is stood in that will kill you!
Konstantin will occasionally go into a ‘fury’ and have a 360 AoE around him which is gonna hurt your tank. During Fury your tank will need to kite him around the room, or preferably around a pillar.

On the floor and coming out of the walls are spikes! There will be a white ‘shadow spike’ warning before the real spikes appear. There are always safe areas in the room and you can easily learn the pattern so you can move out before the spikes appear.
The spikes only hurt you when the pop up, you can then walk into spikes that are already up to avoid the next patch of spikes.


Defiant Quests

These quests are available in King’s Breach and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.

QUEST: Corruption in the Cascade (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kip Bayne in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5980 5133 (top floor)
TO COMPLETE: Find Asha in King’s Breach

Find Asha in King’s Breach at the entrance
/setwaypoint 892 768
Hand in the quest.

QUEST: Strange Plots of the Aelfwar (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Asha in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 892 768
TO COMPLETE: Use the Spirit Caller

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Caller’
Enter the cave on the way to boss 2 – /setwaypoint 780 949
Stand in the blue sparkles and use the Spirit Caller item.

This will summon these two NPCs who will have a chat and then turn into ghosts and try to kill you! Best you kill them instead.

Hand the quest in to Asha in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 892 768

QUEST: Aelfwar Resources (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 766
TO COMPLETE: Capture Life Bombs x3

The locations for the 3 Life Bombs are all around the area where the first boss spawns.

When you click to collect a Life Bomb some of them will have guards that spawn that you need to kill, be sure to have the group ready to DPS them down.

The Life Bomb will be replaced by a green orb called a life seed, you can pick this up and use it as a ground aoe heal, though there is no need to do this.

Hand the quest in to Kaspar Massi in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 766

Guardian Quests

These quests are available in King’s Breach and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.

QUEST: Tracking the Aelfwar (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in The Lodge of the Planes (Sanctum) at /setwaypoint 7608 3107
TO COMPLETE: Find Marshal Kain at King’s Breach in Scarwood Reach

Find Marshal Kain in King’s Breach at the entrance
/setwaypoint 893 768
Hand in the quest.

QUEST: The Prophecy of Nestor (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Marshal Kain in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 768
TO COMPLETE: Read the prophecy at Thedeor’s Hilt

Find Thedeor’s Hilt up the little hill behind the last boss
/setwaypoint 716 723
Right click it to have the Messenger of the Vigil read out the prophecy to you

Hand in the quest to Marshal Kain in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 768

QUEST: The Bombs of Life (Normal mode King’s Breach)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sir Martyn Myrsol in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 766
TO COMPLETE: Capture Life Bombs x3

The locations for the 3 Life Bombs are all around the area where the first boss spawns.

When you click to collect a Life Bomb some of them will have guards that spawn that you need to kill, be sure to have the group ready to DPS them down.

The Life Bomb will be replaced by a green orb called a life seed, you can pick this up and use it as a ground aoe heal, though there is no need to do this.

Hand the quest in to Kaspar Massi in King’s Breach at the entrance /setwaypoint 893 766

Achievements Available

Conqueror: King's Breach

Complete the 3 cheevos listed

Achiever: King's Breach

Complete all the cheevos in King’s Breach

Rapid Assault: King's Breach

Finish King’s Breach on expert difficulty within 35 minutes of first combat

Expert: King's Breach

Defeat all the bosses in King’s Breach on expert difficulty

King's Breach

Defeat the 4 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode

Hunter Suleng
Dogs of War

Pull the boss but keep DPS slow until you have 5 warhounds up, the warhounds will spawn 2 at a time, this takes around 1min 20 seconds to spawn all 5 (6). Make sure to use only single target on the boss so you dont accidentally kill a warhound!

Tail Shake

Stay away from the tail end of the boss and don’t die!
It’s best your tank runs in and holds him where he is, and the DPS stays at max range to the side of the boss.

Manticore Sentries
Manticore Corpses

On one run, kill Flesheater Autoch first and on another run kill Soulflayer Mendroch first.

Shadehorror Phantasm
Divide and Conquer

The Wounding shades will spawn randomly when the boss goes immune during the fight.
The shades will gain stacks of Impending Darkness when they are close to each other, so you need to keep them separate. Have your whole group spread out in a big circle and when the adds spawn grab one each (one add will spawn for each player in the group). DPS them down away from each other.
High DPS groups can just kill the boss before any adds spawn!


Avoid the spikes!