Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > Foul Cascade
Location: Scarlet Gorge
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 3702 2685
Near the top of the Riverfell cliff face
Number of Standard bosses: 4
Level of Standard bosses: 28-37
Number of Expert bosses: 6
Level of Expert bosses: 52
Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: Yes
A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.
When you walk into the Dungeon you can go left or right and do the bosses that are up in any order. It doesn’t matter which order you do the bosses in, most groups will go to the right first. I have ordered the bosses below in the order they appear on the cheevo.
Boss 1 - Krasimir Barionov - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
Walk up to the boss platform to activate the fight.
Krasimir Barionov will summon 3 waves of enemies before becoming the boss that you need to kill. Allow your tank to fully agro each group of enemies before you start attacking!

Boss 2 - Matron Verosa - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
Start by pulling Matron Verosa, get her down to 80% health and she will go immune, Lesche will now be attackable.
Lesche has a nasty charge ability that really hurts, you can mitigate this by having the whole group stand in melee range.
When Lesche reaches 50% he will go immune and Gurze will be attackable.
Ensure you tank Gurze facing away from the group as he has a nasty frontal cleave.
When Gurze reaches 50%, Lesche will become active again, you will now be fighting Gurze and Lesche at the same time, the tank should hold them both together facing away from the group while the group stacks up right behind them both. It is best to continue focusing your fire on Gurze to kill him first as his frontal cleave can be lethal to your tank.
Once Gurze and Lesche are both dead, Matron Verosa will be active again and you can kill her.
A level 70 can kill all 3 bosses with one channelled/ground AoE.. much fun!

Boss 3 - Surin Skenobar - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
The group should spread out while the tank will tank her where she initially stands.
Surin Skenobar will teleport to random group members and drop a bomb at their location, the player will need to immediately move away from the bomb before it explodes.
Ensure you are not stood between Surin Skenobar and the tank as she will cast a ‘barrage skill’ towards the tank (or the player with the most agro) and anyone between Surin Skenobar and the target will find themselves dead.

Boss 4 - Sparkwing - Expert Mode
The Sparkwing boss is found flying around the South East area of the instance, he flies between the area when Surin Skenobar is and the bridge leading to Krasimir Barionov.
You can easily find him using a target macro – /target spark
Once you have him targetted, wait for him to fly low and use a range ability to pull him down, this is best down in the area where Surin Skenobar is, as he flies low here and you will have space for the kill.
Sparkwing is a simple tank and spank fight. He will cast a large AoE damage spell every so often called ‘Wrath of Sparkwing’, be sure your healer is ready for this.

Boss 5 - Tephra Lord Maficros - Expert Mode
In the middle of the instance is a death rift, go to it and wait for the first waves of trash to appear.
Kill all the things from stage 1 and 2 of the rift.
After stage 2, Tephra Lord Maficros will appear.
Kill Tephra Lord Maficros, this is a simple tank and spank fight with a stay out the bad element.

Boss 6 - Queen Vallnara - Normal Mode + Expert Mode
In the normal mode version of the Dungeon you just need to destroy the 3 pillars around the rift to activate the boss fight.
Queen Vallnara has two main abilites
— She will drop poison on the ground, which you need to move out of, the tank may need to kite her around to avoid this.
— She will impregnate random players, this will stun the player for a few seconds and then after 5 seconds they will ‘give birth’ to 2 adds (Congrats on the twins!).
Avoid the poison and ensure the tank quickly picks up the adds when they spawn.

Defiant Quests
These quests are available in Foul Cascade and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.
QUEST: Corruptive Rituals (Normal mode Foul Cascade)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Uriel in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 726 538
TO COMPLETE: Offer the items as described
The items are looted from trash mobs as you kill them. Loot the items and then right click the Altar on each boss platform.
There are multiple trash mobs that will drop the items needed, I have just shown the ones that are on route to the boss.
QUEST: Heart of Stone (Normal mode Foul Cascade)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 733 537
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Earthen Mounds x4
The Earthen Mounds are small piles of earth, when you attack them they will spawn a LOT of spiders, be ready to grab agro and AoE them all down.
When you destroy an Earthen Mound you will loot a ‘Stone Heart’ from it. This is a single-use item that creates a cloud of noxious gas, you can use this on the next Earthen mound to help kill the spiders.
Return to Dacia Ultan in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 733 537 to hand in the quest.
Guardian Quests
These quests are available in Foul Cascade and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.
QUEST: Tracking the Endless Court (Normal mode Foul Cascade)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in The Lodge of the Planes (Sanctum) at /setwaypoint 7608 3107
This quest can also be picked up from Professor Whent in Overwatch (Scarlet Gorge) at /setwaypoint 3957 3028
TO COMPLETE: Find Ivan Coppertooth in the Foul Cascade
QUEST: Orders from Alsbeth (Normal mode Foul Cascade)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ivan Coppertooth in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 733 537
TO COMPLETE: Gather the items
Hand in the quest to Ivan Coppertooth in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 733 537
QUEST: Gnar Residue (Normal mode Foul Cascade)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Professor Whent in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 730 536
TO COMPLETE: Collect Earthstone Residues x4
The Earthstone Residues are looted from the destroyed Earthen Mounds, when you attack the Earthen Mounds they will spawn a LOT of spiders, be ready to grab agro and AoE them all down.
When you kill the first one you will loot a ‘Gnar Spore’ from it. This is a single-use item that summons two friendly ‘Disturbed Gnars’, you can use this on the next Earthen mound to help kill the spiders.
Return to Professor Whent in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 730 536 to hand in the quest.
Achievements Available
Conqueror: Foul Cascade

Complete the 3 cheevos listed
Achiever: Foul Cascade

Complete all the cheevos in Foul Cascade
Rapid Assault: Foul Cascade

Finish Foul Cascade on expert difficulty within 40 minutes of first combat
Expert: Foul Cascade

Defeat all the bosses in Foul Cascade on expert difficulty
Foul Cascade

Defeat the 4 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode
Krasimir Barionov
Minion Mayhem

Krasimir Barionov will summon 3 waves of enemies before then becoming the boss that you need to kill.
With each wave, carefully bring each mob down to low health and then ensure they all die within 5 seconds of each other.
A level 70 can simply group up all the mobs together and then use a strong AoE ability to kill them all at the same time.
Matron Verosa
Vexing Verosa

During the stage when Gurze and Lesche are both active, balance your DPS between them, get them both down to around 5% and then kill kill kill!
Blocking the Blitz

Staggering Blitz is the charge that Lesche does. Ensure your group is always within melee range of Lesche while he is active, and move to melee range when he is just about to become active again too.
Surin Skenobar
Dynomite Dodger

Ensure you dont get hit by any of the bombs that Surin Skenobar drops when she teleports.

It is easiest to kill Sparkwing right next to Surin Skenobar and then kill Surin Skenobar within 3 minutes.
Tephra Lord Maficros
Tectonic Bust

Stay out of the red aoe on the ground during the fight with Tephra Lord Maficros. If you get hit by the red then you will be thrown up in the air, so you will know when you have been hit!
Queen Vallnara
Gnarly Gnars

Allow Queen Vallnara to impregnate 6 people to spawn 6 adds, be very careful not to damage these adds, they dont have a lot of health! Keep Queen Vallnara alive until 6 adds are up and then single target her down, leaving the adds alive.
Corrupted Queen

To corrupt Queen Vallnara you need to keep the three pillars alive that are part of the rift encounter. After killing the adds from stage 1 and 2 of the Rift, Tephra Lord Maficros will spawn, along with another add called Earthguard Liberator that will start to destroy the pillars. Keep that add away from the pillars and kill him.
Ensure your DPS don’t hit the pillars them either!
You will know you have succeded when you see Queen Vallnara has the name ‘Corrupted Queen Vallnara’.