Fall of Lantern Hook

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > Fall of Lantern Hook


Location: Droughtlands
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 7656 6283 (Through the well in the basement)

Number of Standard bosses: 3
Level of Standard bosses: 42-47
Number of Expert bosses: 5
Level of Expert bosses: 52

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: Yes

A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

The Entrance

The entrance to Fall of Lantern Hook is at the bottom of a large well! The well is found in the basement area of Lantern Hook.

From the Lantern Hook Portal, drop down the hill and enter the tunnel at /setwaypoint 7601 6178 to get to the well inside at /setwaypoint 7656 6282

Trash and Quests

When you first enter Fall of Lantern Hook, you will be inside a well with some trash mobs surrounding it. The dungeon quest ‘Hope Still Burns’ will be added to your quest sticky, this is blue in colour to indicate it is part of the dungeon.

Your first objective is to ‘Release the Prisoners x2’
West of the well are two cages built into the wall, kill all the guards and any other mobs in the way and click the cage doors to open them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Helena Brass’
Enter the left cage and speak with Helena Brass

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Karkh Nistor’
Enter the right cage and speak with Karkh Nistor

These two NPCs will now help you break open the door to the rest of the dungeon.
The bosses to kill will now be listed on your quest sticky.
Kill Mister Opal at the top of the slope and make your way up to the first boss.

Boss 1 - Rorf - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

When you enter the room, there are a lot of trash mobs that are sleeping, pull them carefully, not too many at a time, pay particular attention to the ‘Sentrys’ that will race to the edge of the room to spawn more adds, try to kill them before they reach their destination.

Rorf will be patrolling around the central pillar, try not to pull him til you are ready!

Rorf has 3 adds, Scratchy, Sneaky and Scary. Low level groups will need to kill these adds first before killing Rorf.
Ensure you interrupt his healing spell.
Super low level groups may need to kite the 3 adds around the central pillar, Rorf will follow along much slower, allowing you to keep Rorf out of LOS of the group while you kill the adds.
Rorf will throw purple ‘ghost’ tigers at random players once one of the adds is dead, this will hurt low level/low HP players.

Note: In Normal Mode Rorf only has one pet kitty.

Go up the tunnel behind Rorf /setwaypoint 719 635 to get to the next boss


Boss 2 - Pyromancer Cortilnald - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Clear all the trash from the room and the boss encounter will begin.

The boss will start the fight up on the balcony, before coming down once a few of the adds have been killed.

Scaldflesh Ash and Molten Dogs will spawn all over the room, be sure to kill them.
Pyromaster Cortilnald will create circles of fire on the ground called Pillar of Fire. Players should not stand in them!
Be sure to interrupt ‘Cinderburst’, this spell will really hurt low level players.
The boss will also randomly teleport around the room, this is in a set pattern which you will learn after a few wipes!


Go up the slope at the south of the room /setwaypoint 713 704 to get to the next boss

Pyromancer Cortilnald

Boss 3 - Flamebringer Druhl - Expert Mode

You will find yourself in an area with 3 portals set out in a triangle, you need to kill all the adds to close the portals before the next boss will spawn. Make sure your group is all the way down the slope before you start to pull or they will get locked out!

Pull the boss towards the middle of the room. DPS/Heals need to spread out around the boss.
The boss will pull everyone into melee range and apply a debuff called ‘Molten Instability’ to every player. When this debuff expires (5 seconds) it will explode and deal damage, which is magnified if there are other players nearby. So as soon as the boss pulls everyone in, everyone needs to run out into a spot away from other players until the debuff is gone.
Rinse and repeat til the boss is dead.

Travel up the slope behind the boss /setwaypoint 804 606 to get to the next boss

Flamebringer Druhl

Boss 4 - Emberlord Ereetu - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

This boss has a frontal cleave called ‘Fire Claw’, be sure to tank his facing away from the group.
Random players will be targeted with ‘Explosive Bolt’ which deals damage to everyone near that player.
Random players will be targeted with Dark Invocation, this will stun the player for a few seconds, which can be painful if they are stood in the bad, be ready to heal!

The most important mechanic is ‘Scorching Shard’, this targets a random player and places a Shard at their location. The player needs to quickly move out of the red AOE around the Shard. These Shards will stay up til the boss is dead, so they will slowly fill up the room, acting as a soft enrage for the fight.
Low level groups will need to carefully kite the boss around the edge of the room and place the shards next to each other so there is still room to stand.

Emberlord Ereetu

Boss 5 - Oludare the Firehoof - Expert Mode

Once Emberlord Ereeru is dead, Helena Brass will come up the slope for a chat.
When you speak with her it will start the mad dash to the next boss. You will follow Helena Brass down the dungeon paths all the way back to the room where you killed Rorf, killing everything you encounter on the way. Here, Helena will activate the 5th boss.
Be sure to defend Helena on the way down and don’t be too slow or Maelforge will get you with his fire breath!
Note: If Helena does die the last boss will still spawn you just won’t get the bonus loot chest.

The fight with Oludare is a simple tank and spank while staying out of the obviously bad fire.

Oludare the Firehoof

Defiant Quests

These quests are available in Fall of Lantern Hook and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.

QUEST: What Lies Ahead (Normal mode Fall of Lantern Hook)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Orphiel Farwind in Orphiel’s Observatory at /setwaypoint 5985 5135 (The top floor of the Meridian Tower)
TO COMPLETE: Survive the Fall of Lantern Hook

Complete the Fall of Lantern Hook Dungeon.

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Orphiel’s Observatory at /setwaypoint 5985 5135 (The top floor of the Meridian Tower)

Guardian Quests

These quests are available in Fall of Lantern Hook and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.

QUEST: Things to Come (Normal mode Fall of Lantern Hook)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Poor Tom in Mariel-Taun’s Village at /setwaypoint 7547 3068 (East side of Sanctum)

Survive the Fall of Lantern Hook

Complete the Fall of Lantern Hook Dungeon.

Hand in the quest to Poor Tom in Mariel-Taun’s Village at /setwaypoint 7547 3068 (East side of Sanctum)

Neutral Quests

These quests are available in Fall of Lantern Hook and are for Guardian and Defiant Characters.

QUEST: Against the Odds (Normal mode Fall of Lantern Hook)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Callon in The Right Side Cage near the well inside the Dungeon at /setwaypoint 710 654
TO COMPLETE: Use the Ethian Orbs x3

The Ethian Orbs are found in 3 locations around the dungeon, they are clearly marked on your map with a dot. Simply right click each Orb to use them.

First Ethian Orb
/setwaypoint 791 627
In the same cavern as
Rorf – 1st Boss

Second Ethian Orb
/setwaypoint 752 670
In the room with Pyromancer Cortilnald – 2nd Boss

Third Ethian Orb
/setwaypoint 770 620
In the area with the three portals before the final boss

Once you collect the third orb, Callon will appear next to it for you to hand in the quest.

Achievements Available

Conqueror: Fall of Lantern Hook

Complete the 3 cheevos listed

Achiever: Fall of Lantern Hook

Complete all the cheevos in Fall of Lantern Hook

Rapid Assault: Fall of Lantern Hook

Finish Fall of Lantern Hook on expert difficulty within 40 minutes of first combat

Expert: Fall of Lantern Hook

Defeat all the bosses in Fall of Lantern Hook on expert difficulty

Fall of Lantern Hook

Defeat the 3 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode

Right Meow

During expert mode runs, kill 2 of Rorfs big cat adds, then kill Rorf and then kill the remaining big cat. Do this in 3 separate runs leaving a different cat to die last each time.
Very high level players will need to be careful not to AOE/cleave and accidentally kill cats. Also, once Rorf is dead wait a few seconds before killing the last cat.
When you first pull/engage the boss and adds, you should wait a few seconds before you start killing anything, to make sure all 3 big cats are registered in the fight. When everything is attacking and showing on DPS meters then you can start killing.

Kitty Conservation

Kill Rorf without killing any of the big cats! (You will need to kill them after Rorf dies though, cos they angry)

Pyromancer Cortilnald
Don't Stand in Fire

Pretty self explanatory, don’t stand in the fire funnels that appear on the ground and don’t die! The funnels are slightly larger than they appear, so be sure to stay well away from the edge of them.

Flamebringer Druhl
Fire Drill

Kill the boss as described above, but pay special attention to ensuring each player is away from each other before the timer runs out on the debuff.
To make this easier, assign spots to each player at the start of the fight, North, East, South and West from the boss, as soon as players are pulled in, have the tank stay in the middle while the other 4 run to their assigned spots asap.

Emberlord Ereetu
Scorching Shards

It will take just over 2 minutes for 10 Shards to be placed, be careful with your placement so you don’t corner players, once there are 10 shards on the ground you can kill the boss.

Oludare the Firehoof
The Great Escape

Stay with Helena Brass during the decent to the final boss, ensure she doesn’t die!

It's Still Too Late

Kill the last boss within 3 mins of Helena Brass making it to the ground floor.