Deepstrike Mines

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > Deepstrike Mines


Location: Stonefield
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 4794 5421

Number of Standard bosses: 4
Level of Standard bosses: 21-28
Number of Expert bosses: 7
Level of Expert bosses: 52

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: Yes

A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

Note: This guide is for the level 50 Mathosian version Deepstrike Mines. Click here for the level 60 Storm Legion version Return to Deepstrike Mines.

Boss 1 - Overseer Markus - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Pull the boss and the 4 adds on the platform, tank the boss facing away from the group as he has a cleave.
Low level groups should try to kill the adds first and then the boss.
At 50% the boss will disappear and 3 adds will spawn, kill at least one of these adds to bring the boss back and then kill the boss.

Overseer Markus

Boss 2 - Gregori Krezlav - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Gregori Krezlav will cast ‘Death Blast’, make sure this interrupted.
When the single skeleton add spawn, kill it asap.
Gregori Krezlav will summon 3 more adds that channel to each other in a triangle around the boss (who will be immune). Kill these 3 adds, one at a time if needed, and then kill the boss.

Gregori Krezlav

Boss 3 - Bonehew the Thunderer - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Bonehew has a frontal cleave, tank him facing away from the group.
Most groups will carefully stack up in amongst the boxes, this will stop you from getting knocked off the platform when Bonehew does a big knockback spell.
At 50% he will split into 2 smaller versions of himself with the same abilities, so you will need to avoid 2 knockbacks!

Bonehew the Thunderer

Boss 4 - Gatekeeper Kaleida - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Walk into the middle of the room to activate the boss
The boss cycles through 4 stages, Air, Earth, Fire and Water (he only does Earth and Fire on Normal mode)
You can see which phase the boss is on by looking at his buff.
The boss will throw giant crystals around the room or at players, the crystals are attuned to the phase he is in.

  • Earth – Earth crystals will heal the boss every 2 seconds for 1% of the bosses health. Kill the earth crystal asap.
  • Fire – Stay out of melee from the boss, the crystals will deal damage to anyone stood nearby, the closer you are the more damage. Just stay away from these crystals, no need to dps them as they will disappear by themselves.
  • Air – Stuns nearby players, just stay away from the crystal.
  • Water – Roots nearby players, just stay away from the crystal.
Gatekeeper Kaleida

Boss 5 - Dichrom - Expert Mode

You can carefully pull the trash without pulling the boss, or just grab everything and have fun with it!
Dichrom has a knockback ability and a root, so its best to tank him in the corner.
The group will need to be careful where they are stood, avoid the lasers!


Boss 6 - Caretaker Arcanis - Expert Mode

There is a big red crystal in each corner of the room. Every 25%, the boss will go immune and activate a crystal, the crystal will spawn 3 adds. the boss will begin casting ‘Arcane Overload’ you need to destroy the crystal before the cast is finished or it will kill everyone.
There will be a faint beam going from the boss to the active crystal.

Caretaker Arcanis

Boss 7 - Plutonus - Expert Mode

Stay on the large circular platform, the outside will have painful laser beams.
During the fight walls will randomly pop up around the edge of the platform, use these walls to avoid being knocked off the platform when the boss does his knockback spell.
Straight after the knockback finishes there will be laser beams coming from the boss to the walls that are up, these will hurt if you stand in them so avoid them!


Defiant Quests

These quests are available in Deepstrike Mines and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.

QUEST: The Foreman’s Disgrace (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torin Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4899 4991
TO COMPLETE: Kill Overseer Markus

Overseer Markus is the first boss in the dungeon, make him dead!

Go back to Torin Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4899 4991 to hand in the quest

QUEST: Gregori’s Revelation (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torin Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4899 4991
TO COMPLETE: Read Gregori’s Log in Deepstrike Mines

Go into the cave behind Gregori, the second boss /setwaypoint 775 354

Pick up the book on the piles of crates/barrels

Hand in the quest to this ‘book’ and pick up the next quest

QUEST: Crystal Clear (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from the book in Deepstrike Mines at /setwaypoint 775 354 (previous quest must be completed)
TO COMPLETE: Slay Bonehew the Thunderer

Bonehew the Thunderer is the third boss, go kill him!

Go back to Torin Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4899 4991 to hand in the quest

QUEST: Slaughtering The Butchers (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Emily Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4900 4994
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baneful Decapitators x4

You will find the Baneful Decapitators amongst the normal trash packs on the bridges and platforms.
You may need to divert from the direct path to the next boss in order to kill all 4, or you can just do 2 runs of the dungeon.

Go back to Emily Fergal in Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4900 4994 to hand in the quest

QUEST: Reclaiming What’s Ours (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Asha Catari inside the Deepstrike mines Normal mode Dungeon at /setwaypoint 686 230
TO COMPLETE: Disable the Eth Device

Down in the bottom floor of the dungeon you will find the Eth Device, a small platform with a glowy orb.

Get onto the platform and click the orb, baddies will appear and try to kill you! 
You need to stay on the platform while the Eth Device charges. The baddies will knock you off the platform if they reach melee range, so you need to kill them before they get to close!
Keep killing until the Eth Device is charged, there are red glyph that appear on the floor around the platform, once they are all lit up the Device is fully charged!
If you do get knocked off the platform, just kill the baddies then get back on and click the device again, you won’t lose your progress on the charging.

Once it’s fully charged, Asha Catari will appear near the platform for you to hand the quest in.

QUEST: Stolen Source (Normal mode Deepstrike Mines)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi inside the Deepstrike mines Normal mode Dungeon at /setwaypoint 682 233
TO COMPLETE: Collect unrefined Source Fragments x10

You can loot the Source Fragments from the miners amongst the trash packs, or mine them yourself straight from the walls of the dungeon.
The Source Fragments will go straight into your quest loot bag.

When you have picked up all 10, return to Kaspar Massi inside the Deepstrike mines Normal mode Dungeon at /setwaypoint 682 233
Hand in the quest

Achievements Available

Conqueror: Deepstrike Mines

Complete the 3 cheevos listed

Achiever: Deepstrike Mines

Complete all the cheevos in Deepstrike Mines

Rapid Assault: Deepstrike Mines

Finish Deepstrike Mines on expert difficulty within 40 minutes of first combat

Expert: Deepstrike Mines

Defeat all the bosses in Deepstrike Mines on expert difficulty

Deepstrike Mines

Defeat the 4 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode

Overseer Markus
No Shade

The shades of Markus are the 3 adds that appear after the boss hits 50% health.
A level 70 will need to slow DPS (likely by mentoring down)
Get the boss to 50%, then the boss will disappear and the adds will spawn, you need to carefully use single target abilities to kill one of the adds, the boss will then respawn. Continue to use single target only to kill the boss without killing the two remaining adds.

Lower the Shades

The shades of Markus are the 3 adds that appear after the boss hits 50% health.
Kill all three of them within 10 seconds of each other.
A low level group will want to carefully bring each one down to a low% and then kill them all.

Gregori Krezlav
Always Interrupting

Interrupt the Death Blast cast.

Bonehew the Thunderer
Seismic Inactivity

Bonehew casts Seismic Smash on a random player, this player will have a yellow pulsing circle around them, they need to get out of the group and stand alone to avoid hitting anyone with the damage. The group may want to stand spread out as much as possible for the whole fight to make this easier.

Gatekeeper Kaleida

Keep a close eye on the bosses buff and kill him while he is buffed with the buff that you still need.
This will take at least 4 runs of the dungeon to complete.
Low level groups will want to bring the boss down to low health and then kill it quick when it reaches the desired buff.

Double Rainbow

The boss will start on a random planar buff, then cycle through all 4 buffs before starting again. The order of buffs is always that same.
You need to kill the boss after he has completed 2 full cycles through the planar buffs.
The key word in the cheevo is COMPLETED. The boss needs to complete the 2 full cycles and then be killed at the start of the third cycle, this would be the 9th buff that you see.. for instance, if the boss starts on Air, he would need to cycle through..
Air – Earth – Fire – Water – Air – Earth – Fire – Water – Air
You would kill the boss on the third Air buff that you see, if the boss started on Fire then it would be the third fire buff that he needs to die on, and so on.

Laser Dance

When you pull the boss, more laser beams will spawn, so positions that seemed safe before are no longer!
We find it best to stand in the middle section of this room, with the group at around /setwaypoint 495 357 and the tank up against one of the corners to mitigate the knockback. Pull the boss to the safe middle area with a ranged attack so you don’t get hit at all by the lasers.
Note: It is ok to get hit by the first set of lasers leading up to the boss, as long as you don’t get hit once you are in combat with the boss.

Caretaker Arcanis
Assisted Living

Dont kill any of the adds that spawn from the crystals, this will be 9 adds total and a low level group may want an extra healer or a support healer as the tank will be hit very hard with all the extra adds up.
DPS needs to ensure they stay single target only on the boss.

No Power

The power arcs come from the boss to the middle of the walls that pop up around the room. Use the walls to prevent being knocked back and then quickly move to the gaps between each segment on the floor, highlighted in red on the picture below, here you wont get hit by the Power Arcs. Also.. don’t die.

Out of Bounds

During the fight Plutonus will cast a knockback, stand with your back against one of the walls that has popped up so that you don’t get knocked back into the area around the edge of the room where the defense beams will hit you… also, don’t die!