Charmer’s Caldera

Cheevos found in H > Dungeons > Rift > Charmer’s Caldera


Location: Shimmersand
Waypoint: /setwaypoint 7162 7618

Number of Standard bosses: 4
Level of Standard bosses: 48-50
Number of Expert bosses: 6
Level of Expert bosses: 52

Solo at 70?: Yes
All cheevos while solo?: Yes

A level 70 player can easily one shot everything in this dungeon.
This guide is mainly designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
If the content becomes ‘relevant’ again then I will expand the boss guides as needed and add more detail.

Boss 1 - Smouldaron - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Pretty much a tank and spank while staying out of the red.


Boss 2 - Cyclorax - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Tank Cyclorax where he stands.
Every so often he will cast a spell called ‘Cyclonic Destruction’ the group will need to move away from the AOE damage around the boss til the cast is over.
Suppresing Gale will stun a random player, this is cleansable by the healer or using break free.

Expert only: Laser beams (Galvanic Arc) will travel across the room, there are gaps in them, be sure to move so you pass between the gaps.


Boss 3 - Ryka Dharvos - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Two laser beams are fired at the floor and they will travel around the room, stay out of the small aoe circle they create.
There will also be green and red aoe spawning on players, move out of these and stay out!

Boss will cast ‘Whirling Bolt’ on a random player, this will leave a ticking dot that will deal a lot of damage to a low level player, the healer needs to heal them until the dot disappears.

The boss will summon bird adds, the tank needs to pick these up quickly and the DPS can cleave or aoe them down.

Players will be randomly snared, this is cleansable by the healer or using break free.

Ryka Dharvos

In Normal mode, the last boss, Caelia the Stormtouched, will be stood in the next location.

Boss 4 - Gronik - Expert Mode

Tank Gronik where he stands, the Harpies cannot be tanked and must be killed by the DPS asap, one at a time. The two Harpies will apply a stacking buff to Gronik, so the quicker they die the better. Gronik will also gain a stacking shield (reflecting torrent), this can be purged off. The shield only reflects magical spells.
Players will gain a debuff that creates a blue aoe around them, anyone inside the aoe will be damaged, so move away.


In normal mode, the dungeon ends here.

In expert mode:
You now need to jump across the lava river and make your way into the cave.
Use a mount to jump further and try not to land in the lava!

Boss 5 - Jultharin - Expert Mode

This fight is a pure DPS race. When you pull a beam of lightning will start to move from the Southern edge of the platform towards the North. A low level group will need to hold Jultharin as close to the Northern edge as possible, to give themselves enough time to kill Jultharin before the beam reaches them.


Boss 6 - Caelia the Stormtouched - Normal Mode + Expert Mode

Tank Caelia in the centre of the room, DPS/heals should spread out around her.

Phase 1
Caelia will place a random debuff on players, this can be cleansed off.

Phase 2
Caelia will become immune and summon a bunch of wisp adds, these need to be aoe’d down as quickly as possible. Stack up on the boss to bring them all to the middle quickly. If the wisps are not killed fast enough then they will change into bombs that will explode!

Phase 3
When the last wisp dies, Caelia will shoot a laser beam in a straight line and turn anti-clockwise, she will turn 1.5 times(ish). All players need to move in a circle around the boss avoiding the beam.

Phase 4
After the beam disappears Caelia will cast ‘Touch of Storms’, this spell will stun all players and lift them up and throw them back. Players need to ensure they have their backs against a wall at the end of phase 3 or risk being knocked into the lava! A good spot to stand is right in front of the large doorway.

These phases will repeat in order until the boss is dead.

Caelia the Stormtouched

Defiant Quests

These quests are available in Charmer’s Caldera and are for Defiant Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Defiant Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Defiant.

Picking up one of these quests will make the other one disappear, it doesn’t matter which quest you choose to pick up.
 Follow the Coin (Normal mode Charmer’s Caldera)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kip Bayne in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5980 5133 (top floor)
QUEST: A Storm’s Brewing (Normal mode Charmer’s Caldera)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Suren Kokedai in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6650 7055
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Sylver Valis in Charmer’s Caldera

Enter the Charmer’s Caldera dungeon on Standard mode and hand in the quest to Sylver Valis near the entrance /setwaypoint 796 986

QUEST: All That Glitters (Normal mode Charmer’s Caldera)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Charmer’s Caldera near the entrance /setwaypoint 796 986
TO COMPLETE: Use Ethian Cores x5

Dotted around the dungeon are 5 mini games.

When you pull the lever, the coloured orbs will light up in a pattern, you need to click the orb that is lit up/sparkiling before the sparkles move to the next orb.
The orb is only clickable for a few seconds so you need to be really quick!
The pattern is the same each try. You can keep pulling the lever to try as many times as you like.
If you are playing with other people, you can spread out so you each are responsible for different orbs to click. However the puzzle is easy enough to complete solo once you know the pattern.
Complete the puzzle by clicking all the orbs in turn and then the Ethian Core will be collectable.

Puzzle locations:

Puzzle 1 ~ 3 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 716 905
Puzzle 2 ~ 3 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 551 942
Puzzle 3 ~ 4 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 596 789
Puzzle 4 ~ 5 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 668 675
Puzzle 5 ~ 6 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 799 525

Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Charmer’s Caldera dungeon, near the entrance at /setwaypoint 796 986

Guardian Quests

These quests are available in Charmer’s Caldera and are for Guardian Characters only.
To be able to see/pick up the quests, the instance needs to be a ‘Guardian Version’ this means that the group leader or the first player to enter needs to be a Guardian.

Picking up one of these quests will make the other one disappear, it doesn’t matter which quest you choose to pick up.
Into the Fire (Normal mode Charmer’s Caldera)
PICK UP 1: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in The Lodge of the Planes (Sanctum) at /setwaypoint 7608 3107
PICK UP 2: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Tam Daggerborne in Charmer’s Caldera

Enter the Charmer’s Caldera dungeon on Standard mode and hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne near the entrance /setwaypoint 796 986

QUEST: Evil’s Root (Normal mode Charmer’s Caldera)
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in Charmer’s Caldera near the entrance /setwaypoint 796 986
TO COMPLETE: Use Ethian Cores x5

Dotted around the dungeon are 5 mini games.

When you pull the lever, the coloured orbs will light up in a pattern, you need to click the orb that is lit up/sparkiling before the sparkles move to the next orb.
The orb is only clickable for a few seconds so you need to be really quick!
The pattern is the same each try. You can keep pulling the lever to try as many times as you like.
If you are playing with other people, you can spread out so you each are responsible for different orbs to click. However the puzzle is easy enough to complete solo once you know the pattern.
Complete the puzzle by clicking all the orbs in turn and then the Ethian Core will be collectable.

Puzzle locations:

Puzzle 1 ~ 3 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 716 905
Puzzle 2 ~ 3 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 551 942
Puzzle 3 ~ 4 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 596 789
Puzzle 4 ~ 5 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 668 675
Puzzle 5 ~ 6 orbs ~ /setwaypoint 799 525

Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne in Charmer’s Caldera dungeon, near the entrance at /setwaypoint 796 986

Achievements Available

Conqueror: Charmer's Caldera

Complete the 3 cheevos listed

Achiever: Charmer's Caldera

Complete all the cheevos in Charmer’s Caldera

Rapid Assault: Charmer's Caldera

Finish Charmer’s Caldera on expert difficulty within 40 minutes of first combat

Expert: Charmer's Caldera

Defeat all the bosses in Charmer’s Caldera on expert difficulty

Charmer's Caldera

Defeat the 4 bosses listed, on normal or expert mode

Fire Stopper

During the fight, a fire elemental will spawn and cast a beam of fire at a random player, all players need to move away from the fire elemental. After a few seconds it will explode and any player nearby will be hit by Unstable Detonation.

Staying Grounded

Laser beams (Galvanic Arc) will travel across the room, there are gaps in them, be sure to move so you pass between the gaps.
Don’t get hit by the beams and dont die due to anything else either!

Ryka Dharvos
Ravaging Ryka

Use single target damage only on the boss, don’t kill any of the birds that spawn.

Stunning Development

This is just a cleansing race! Keep everything cleansed, use a dedicated cleanser if needed.

Back in the Bottle

Kill Jultharin in under 100 seconds.

Caelia the Stormtouched
Quick as Lightning

Dont get hit by the beam!