These guides are purely for cheevo hunting. Groups of level 70 players can ignore most mechanics and blast through this content for the cheevos and wardrobe unlocks! These guides are aimed towards level 70 players and are NOT proper progression guides.
Meta Achievements Available
Ultimate Dungeon Hero
Complete the; Dungeon Expert, Dungeon Butcher, and Dungeon Smasher cheevos.
Completing this cheevo will award you the title ‘Ultimate Dungeon Hero’.
Dungeon Smasher
Get the Achiever cheevo in all the original 10 Mathosian dungeons.
Dungeon Butcher
Get the Rapid Assault cheevo in all the original 10 Mathosian dungeons.
Dungeon Expert
Complete all the original 10 Mathosian dungeons on expert mode.
Dungeon Explorer
Complete all the original 10 Mathosian dungeons on normal mode.