Rhen of Fate

Cheevos can be found in H > Chronicles > Chronicle: The Rhen of Fate

Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests and Bosses Rare Mob Chests Artifacts


Number of bosses: 4

Level of Chronicle: 65

Number of players: This Chronicle can be complete with one or two players.

A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this chronicle.
This guide is designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.

When you enter the Chronicle you will be given an instanced quest sticky. Follow the quest objectives to progress through the chronicle and complete it.

The Fallen Rhen

Completing most of the cheevos in the Rhen of Fate Chronicle will grant you the cheevo ‘The Fallen Rhen’.

Completing The Fallen Rhen cheevo awards you the item ‘Scoundrel Guard, Male’. This is a Dimension Item. When placed in your dimension it will spawn a male guard to keep out the riff raff.

Main Quests and Bosses

There are three small side quests to pick up during the Chronicle

Chronicle Champion

Pick up this quest from ‘Spirit of Adventure’, an NPC stood near the entrance of the Chronicle. To complete: Kill 4 of the bosses on hard mode. This can be spread over various runs of the Chronicle, you don’t have to do all 4 on hard mode in one run.

Awards 100 Abyssal Crusader’s Marks

Loyalists of the Dark Rhen

A simple carnage quest – Kill 8 of the Unthralled Destroyer mobs.
You will find more than enough of these as you make your way through the Chronicle.

Upon Completion of the quest you will be given the option to choose a reward of 50 Notoriety for… Atragarian, Ghar, Pelagic Order, Cerulean Rhenke, or Onir.

Set Them Free

Right click the cage containing Rawlte at /setwaypoint 470 619 to set him free and start the quest.
Find 4 more captive researchers and release them to complete the quest.
There are a lot of cages throughout the Chronicle and only 4 of them will have researchers in.

Upon Completion of the quest you will be given the option to choose a reward of 50 Notoriety for… Atragarian, Ghar, Pelagic Order, Cerulean Rhenke, or Onir.

Hard mode and tactics

The red orb will switch the boss to hard mode.

Completing the bosses in hard mode will give you an extra couple of plat, and a choice of 150 notoriety with the Atragarian, Ghar, Pelagic Order, Cerulean Rhenke, or Onir. This is per boss.

All the tactical boss cheevos can be earned on normal mode or hard mode.

Tactical Hints!

You will see a scrap of paper on the ground. This paper contains clues about boss tactics.

Blue Orb

The blue orb will skip the small roleplay/story before the boss encounter. These will only show up after your first run.


A level 70 can easily blitz this boss dead before having to deal with the proper mechanics, You may need to move out of some red on the floor.

Harmful Current – 2 big red circles on the floor, move out of it!

Hungry for Death – You will need to kill an add before the cast is over, or he will kill you instead!

Add – Captive Terror – Casts ‘Puncture Spleen’ which can be interrupted.

Pressure Burst – The big spell! At the end of the cast he will then cast Pressure Burst 3 times, for each of these 3 casts you will need to open a cage to release a Gump and absorb the damage.

Breaking Loose – At low health the boss will break from his chains and start charging at you and doing more damage, kill him quick!

Gump Stumped

Defeat Ungolok using only six Bloat Gumps

Simply kill the boss quickly enough that he doesnt do more than 2 phases of Pressure Burst, this is super easy as a level 70.

Main Boss 1

Kill Ungolok

Beast Battler

Kill Ungolok on Hard Mode

Oonta and Weyloz

A level 70 can DPS these two down before having to worry about any mechanics.

Comrades Near/Apart – Weyloz will be stood on a platform while you fight Oonta. Weyloz will have a large coloured circle around him. Oonta will have a matching pulsing circle around them.
Blue = Bring Oonta into the circle.
Red = Take Oonta out of the circle.
Failure in putting Oonta in the right place will deal damage to you.

Mania – Quickly stacks up on the active boss (not the one on the platform) – You can run over Syphoning Orbs, giving your character an aoe buff, stand near the boss with this aoe buff to drain the stacks of Mania from the boss.

Boss Death – When the first boss dies, the second boss will leave the platform and be killable.

Manic Massacre

Defeat Oonta and Weyloz using three or less Syphoning Orbs.

This is easily done at level 70, just kill them quickly!

Main Boss 2
Go Fish

Kill Oonta and Weyloz

Duo Destroyer

Kill Oonta and Weyloz on Hard Mode.

Drekanoth of Fate

A level 70 with decent DPS can blitz this boss down before he manages to start the proper bad stuff.

Zone of Death/Life – Stay out the red guys you know this!

Calling World Eaters/Green Portals – Entering the portals will take you to another reality/Sliver. Kill the World Eater blobs before they reach the Silver Pods and right click the Silver Pods to destroy them. Use the white portal to then exit and go back to boss. Blobs that reach their Silver Pod will spawn in the real world and be mean.

Scorching Light – Move behind one of the pillars to line of sight the boss before end of cast.

Walls of fire – Best not to stand in these!

Pod Preserver

Defeat the Drekanoth without destroying any Silver Pods.

Just kill the boss super quick and don’t even bother going into the green portals.

Main Boss 3
Clear out the Drek

Kill the Drekanoth of Fate

Fate Foiler

Kill the Drekanoth of Fate on Hard Mode


To activate Finric, click the Vat to the right of her.

A well geared level 70 can kill Finric before he does too much of the bad stuff. You may want to bring a friend with you for the ‘Get Over It’ cheevo, so you can blitz Finric down before he even casts Brutal Swell.

Fire on the Floor – Move out of it!

Big Blue Bubbles – Move out of these too.

Brutal Swell – This has a 3 second cast time so you can move out and prep. At the end of the cast Finric will create a wave of water in a circle around him that travels outwards. You need to jump over the wave to avoid damage.

Rage of Storms – Green safety bubbles will appear, anyone not in a bubble will die!

Rejuvenation – You have 30 seconds to prep a Toxin Absorption Vat.  To do this, Destroy the Redtooth Coral to gain a ‘Toxin’ debuff, then run to the Vat and stand on it to deposit the Toxin. Do this 4 times to fill the Vat. Then pull the lever and stand in the Vat platform or on a Ground Vent to survive the purge!

Water Waves – Don’t get hit!

Get Over It

Defeat Finric without any players getting hit by Brutal Swell.

There are two methods here, either super DPS so Brutal Spell doesn’t even cast, or get really good at timing that jump!

Main Boss 4

Kill Finric

Rhen Ruiner

Kill Finric on Hard Mode

Upon Completion of the Chronicle you will be given the option to choose a reward of 150 Notoriety for… Atragarian, Ghar, Pelagic Order, Cerulean Rhenke, or Onir.

Hard Bitten

Kill all of the bosses on hard mode to get the cheevo ‘Hard Bitten’

Completing the Hard Bitten cheevo awards you the item ‘Baby Gump – No Snap’. This is a Dimension Item. When placed in your dimension it will spawn a baby Gump/Shambler to bring some life to your home.

Rare mob

Go Go Gormotro

Killing the rare mob, Gormotro, in the Rhen of Fate Chronicle will grant you the cheevo ‘Go Go Gormotro’.

This rare is super rare, it is likely you will need to run the Chronicle daily for weeks or even months to find him!

I found Gormotro up the other path near the entrance.
/setwaypoint 448 565
He was targetable from entering the Chronicle and I had not killed any of the trash or bosses.
He may also be in other locations.


There is no cheevo for looting the chest in Rhen of Fate.
Chest Loots include: Void Stones, and Dream Infusion (PAXP).

/setwaypoint 731 571
On the scafolding near boss 2
/setwaypoint 779 759
On the floor in front of Finric!
/setwaypoint 672 675
Near the 3rd boss.
/setwaypoint 772 825
To the right of Finric.


Seaside Collector

Collecting the Normal artifacts in the Rhen of Fate Chronicle will grant you the cheevo ‘Seaside Collector’.

Scoundrel Teaching Implements
Finric's First Six New Year's Resolutions

Completing the Seaside Collector cheevo awards you the item ‘Spawnling’. This is a Dimension Item. When placed in your dimension it will spawn a living sea creature to bring some life to your home.

Strategies of Quintarus
Aia Tablets
Rawite's Theories on Slivers
Battle Trophies
Strange Acquisitions

Collecting the Twisted artifacts in the Rhen of Fate Chronicle will grant you the cheevo ‘Strange Acquisitions’.

Completing the Strange Acquisitions cheevo awards you the item ‘Scoundrel Guard, Female’. This is a Dimension Item. When placed in your dimension it will spawn a female guard to keep out the riff raff.

Twisted: Rawlte's Requested Beverages
Twisted: Outrageous Demands
Twisted: Alternative Finrics
Twisted: Ungolok's Pets