Cheevos can be found in H > Chronicles > A Hero Rises
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Main Quests and Bosses Artifacts Sinister Presence
Level of Chronicle: 60
Number of players: This is a single player Chronicle.
When you reach Level 60 you will receive a mail from Neala Sparks asking you to take part in the ‘A Hero Rises’ Chronicle.
A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this chronicle.
This guide is designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
When you enter the Chronicle you will be given an instanced quest sticky. Follow the quest objectives to progress through the chronicle and complete it.
Main Quests and Bosses
Quest Chapters
The Hero Rises Chronicle is story driven with a clear questline through it.
This questline is split into 4 distinct chapters.
The quests are tracked 2 blue quest stickies, one for the entire chronicle and another for the individual quest you are on.
Part 1: Sky Crash Part 2: City Hero Part 3: With Cannons Blazing Part 4: Take Back the Skies
Part 1: Sky Crash
Your quest objective will be ‘Regroup with General Batua‘
Head out of the room and find General Batua just outside.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with General Batua‘
Right click to speak with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Stormwrath Vindicator‘
Kill the Stormwrath Vindicator (Big Mech) in the area ahead. You will likely want to kill all the trash in this area too!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with General Batua‘
Right click to speak with him.
Part 2: City Hero
Your quest objective will be ‘Defeat Skythrax in the Plaza Aurentine‘
Head up the stairs towards the Plaza. At the top you can kill Skythrax.
Sweep the Leg
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to General Batua’s directions‘
Stand near the portal in the yellow circle on the ground and listen to General Batua.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Sergeant Vicks while he repairs the Porticulum‘
Waves of trash will come up the stairs to attack! Kill them all.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Stormwrath War Machine in the Plaza Aurentine‘
Drop down to the Plaza and defeat the Stormwrath War Machine’
No One Left Behind
You will also be given the Additional Quest ‘Bonus: Deperate Rescue‘
Kill the baddies holding the citizens captive in the Plaza below. Rescue 7 of the citizens to complete this quest, this is a timed quest so be quick!
Part 3: With Cannons Blazing
Head through the arch at the end of the Plaza to start the next part of the Chronicle.
Your quest objective will be ‘Fight your way to the Monorail Station‘
Kill baddies and head to the Monorail Station marked on the map in blue.
Trail Blazer
You will also be given the Additional Quest ‘Bonus: With Cannons Blazing‘
Pickup Assault Boost Powerups x7 – As you make your way to the Terminal, walk over the white power ups on the floor to pick them up. You will need to go back to pick up an extra one to get all 7. This is a timed quest so be quick!
The Power Ups will give you a speed boost and will knock back and kill any enemies you get close to, fun!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Maelstrom‘
Go into the Terminal, up the stairs, and kill the winged mech!
Clipped Wings
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Planar Doorway‘
Click the Orb in the middle of the room to be teleported up to the Terminal.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clear the path to Crucia’s weapon‘
Kill the baddies and head up the stairs.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hijack the Thunderclap Assault Frame‘
A big mech will be spawned, get it down to 10% health and you will be given a temporary ability called ‘Hijack’. Target the mech and use the Hijack ability to get inside it! You are now a mech!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Thunder Teleporter‘
Click the platform to be teleported up to the ships.
Part 4: Take Back the Skies
Your mech form has 2 main abilities, ‘Bring The Thunder’ and ‘Incineration Beam’.
Bring The Thunder will slam the ground close to you – Use this to destroy the Power Cores and cannons on the ships you are stood on.
Incineration Beam will shoot a laser beam at flying/ranged targets – Use this to destroy Iron Angels, Airship Propellers and the final Power Core in the middle of all the ships.
You can also Jump! – Jumping and landing near the trash mobs will create a ‘superhero landing’ shockwave that will knock the trash off of the air ships. – Knock off 60 trash mobs by jumping and landing near them to get the cheevo ‘Stomp and Circumstance’. (Note, get as many as you can on the first set of ships and then continue on the second set, just hold off on killing the large Power Core until you have the cheevo popped)
Stomp and Circumstance
Your quest objective will be ‘Scuttle Zephyr-Class Airships x5, and Pulverize the Airship’s Power Core‘
Each of the ships has a variety of baddies to defeat, there may be a bunch of trash mobs, a couple of cannons, a power core, a flying mech that you can shoot, or a propeller that you can shoot.
You can stand on the recharging pads to make your Incineration Beam more powerful.
When you have cleared the ship/platform of baddies, a jump pad at the end of the ship will activate so you can leap to the next ship. Clear 5 of the ships to move on to the big Power Core!
When you have cleared 5 of the smaller ships you will be jumped up the next set of ships.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Blind the eye of the Storm‘
While on this ring of ships you will encounter the same smaller enemies, but your main target should be the large Airship Power Core in the middle of all the ships. Travel along the smaller ships encircling the central enemy, use the recharging pads on each of the smaller ships to make your beam stronger and destroy the Power Core before the adds get too much for you.
Flying Blind
Upon Completion of the Chronicle (A Hero Rises) you will be given the option to choose a reward of 300 Notoriety for… Qaijiri, Caretakers, Achyati, Survivors, Hailol, or Empyreal Alliance.
The Legend Continues
The quest is picked up from General Batua in A Hero Rises Chronicle
/setwaypoint 1239 834
This quest is available after you have finished the Chronicle for the first time.
You can only do this quest once.
Speak to the NPCs listed.
They can all be found in the hunt room in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 13112 11520
Collecting all the artifacts in the A Hero Rises Chronicle does not grant a cheevo.