Cheevos can be found in H > Chronicles > Ceremony of Attunement
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Main Quests and Bosses Artifacts
Level of Chronicle: 50
Number of players: This is a single player Chronicle.
When you reach Level 50 you will receive a mail from Cyril Kalmar asking you to attend your Ceremony of Attunement.
A level 70 player can easily kill everything in this chronicle.
This guide is designed to show you how to get the cheevos and do the quests.
When you enter the Chronicle you will be given an instanced quest sticky. Follow the quest objectives to progress through the chronicle and complete it.
This Chronicle was made to introduce players to the Planar Attunement system. You do not need to complete this Chronicle in order to start earning/spending PAXP. It is just a bit of fluff storyline.
The Sanctum Ceremony of Attunement Chronicle can only be completed by Guardian characters. Defiants will need to do the Meridian Ceremony of Attunement.
Main Quests and Bosses
Chosen of Thedeor
Your quest objective will be ‘Speak with Tam Daggerborne‘
Walk forward into the Sanctum Plaza and talk to Tam Daggerborne.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Cyril Kalmar‘
Go up the stairs into the Sanctum of the Vigil. Find Cyril Kalmar on the ground floor near the throne. Right click to talk with him.
If you have completed the ceremony before then you can choose to skip the attunement bit and go straight to the killing. Otherwise, it is time to get attuned!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Attend your Ceremony‘
The NPCs around you will speak of your good deeds.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kneel before the Messenger of the Vigil‘
Stand in the circle of light in front of the Messenger of the Vigil, you don’t need to kneel. You will be floated up in the sky and attuned!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Present your new self before Cyril‘
Turn around and stand back in front of Cyril.
You will earn the cheevo ‘Attuned‘
Defend the City
Your quest objective will be ‘Assist Thomas Penthas, Assist Marshal Oakheart, Assist Fayne Doran, Assist Brother Jebiah, and Assist Abbess Katia‘
All these NPCs are in the Sanctum of the Vigil area being attacked, help them!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Regroup with Cyril outside‘
Head out of the Sanctum of the Vigil area towards the Plaza, find Cyril at the top of the stairs.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pursue Kain to the Bridge‘
Continue across the Plaza towards the bridge, killing baddies as you go.
Find Kain and stand in front of him him to hear his excuses.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the invading Shadow Soldiers‘
Kill the waves of mobs that will attack you.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the invading Necrotic Abominations‘
Keep killing the baddies!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Kain the Desolate‘
Kain himself will now attack, DPS him down.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Shadavarian‘
Shadavarian will spawn in the middle of the Plaza, kill him!
This will earn you the cheevo ‘City Savior‘
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Cyril Kalmar‘
Right click Cyril Kalmar to speak with him.
Don’t forget to loot the chest before you leave the Chronicle!
When the Chronicle is finished you will have 4 quests to pick up.
These quests can only be picked up and completed once.
- Rifts for Crafters – Picked up from Eldain Diomid – Speak to Eldain Diomid in Sanctum to learn about crafting rifts.
- Worlds of possibility – Picked up from Antiquarian Boofs – Speak to Amani Kolya in Sanctum to learn about Ember Isle.
- Against the Defiant – Picked up from Warlord Albrect – Speak to Templar Zim in Sanctum to learn about PvP favor and prestige.
- Great Challenges – Picked up from Abbess Katia – Speak to Fayne Doran in Sanctum to learn about Slivers.