Translated Tok’s Field Guide

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A part of the Tok’s Dungeon experience. This book is created by you as you work your way through the crafting.

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This guide is intended for those that wish to pursue the crafting of Planar Infused armor sets. Great for costume balls or just to make you stand out in a crowd. Each of these sets will need to be created in the Crafting Halls of the Proving Grounds as this is the only place where stations with the required Mathmagical properties can be found. Each piece will require the appropriate type and quantity of ingredients. Most ingredients should be of compatible planar type to have any hope of success, however a limited number of ingredients are planes neutral. Furthermore the crafting halls themselves must have the correct 6 digit configuration value entered or the Mathmagical properties of the various crafting stations will not create anything. Many of the ingredients themselves need to be created from lesser ingredients following their own recipes. These can also be found in this volume.

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Before the Clockwork Conversion necessitated by the start of the Tenebrean destruction of their universe, the Calculators of Thera needed elaborate headgear to protect their brains from the effects of source decay. This was a temporary measure and these helmets needed to be upgraded several times as the decay spread. This recipe will produce a helmet modeled after version 9! The final look of the helmets worn right up to the Clockwork Conversion.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Helmet Pattern
1 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator
20 Rivets
1 Metal Sheet

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Appropriate hand wear was mandated in the vast engine rooms where the Theran Calculators worked, to protect the machines more than the workers. Mathmagical machines of every type worked day and night producing all the things needed to keep the great civilization running. At the base of all this industry were numbers with great power, so alongside the creation of actual tangible items, much energy was devoted to finding new numbers possessed of even greater levels of Mathmagical energy. Many were found in significant sequences that then became revered themselves and showed up decorating the walls and halls of many a great house.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Glove Pattern
2 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator
30 Rivets
2 Metal Sheets

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One of the surprising side effects of creating physical objects from pure numbers is the amount of dangerous waste produced. Much of this is sharp, corrosive or left with dangerous levels of Mathmagical residue with undesirable effects. Appropriate footwear was finally developed to allow safe passage within the crafting halls of Thera. The Prime diver for this being the 10,000TH rather grisly accident.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Boot Pattern
2 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator 30 Rivets
2 Metal Sheets

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After a nasty incident involving one of the smallest members of the original Prime Six, the elite group of calculators tasked with developing new Mathmagical recipes. These shoulder guards were added to the growing list of required protective gear, as the dangers of producing these objects in such a hurried fashion began to surpass the original reason for developing them, that of protecting against source decay.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Shoulder Pattern
3 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator 40 Rivets
3 Metal Sheets

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By the time of the Clockwork Conversion, full suits of protective garb were being worn by the Theran Calculators. While the sum of all knowledge gained developing versions 1! through?! was mostly lost, the recipe for this fine chest piece thankfully was not part of that tragedy.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Breastplate Pattern
4 Padding
2 Temper
1 Generator
50 Rivets
4 Metal Sheets

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The last piece of protection to be developed also proved to be the most difficult. For some reason they diverged from formula patterns used for all the other pieces with disastrous results. This produced a higher than normal number of failures as opposed to usable pieces. After one particularly bad week with a record number of seconds and almost nothing usable, the Calculators returned to what had already been working and this recipe was the final result.

At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.

1 Legging Pattern
4 Padding
2 Temper
1 Generator
50 Rivets
4 Metal Sheets

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Gathering the raw materials to make the appropriate planar padding can be described as a challenge at best, it is important to make sure you have a compatible skin and stuffing material. Check your recipe forwards and backwards to square it with the ingredient list and planar compatibility or nothing will come of your efforts.

At an appropriate Loom combine 1 Plane Strengthened Thread and 1 item from each of the following lists

Gossamer Skin
Ethereal Skin
Gravel Skin
Searing Skin
Blooming Skin
Flowing Skin

Gritty Cotton
Mossy Wool
Molten Hair
Featherlite Fur
Ectoplasmic Wool
Moist Lichen

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The porous livers of the Scoria Fish have the ability to absorb the planar resonance from particular planar essences. Once this is done it can then be used to produce an Oil infused with the ‘flavor’ of that plane. It should be noted that the Essence is not consumed in this process, also the left over fish remains make a good pie.

At an appropriate Laboratory combine 10 Scoria Fish Livers with one of the following.

Astral Corestone
Mutable Faestone
lonized Stormstone
Salty Tidestone
Unknown Shadestone
Thermal Flamestone

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Used in the production of anything requiring metal endowed with properties from the planes the aspiring Planes Crafter will be making a lot of this. It requires and emulsifier that has been transmogrified from a base that in itself is quite a task and is discussed elsewhere in this volume. Add up to a 1000 ways this can all go wrong and you can begin to see why the number of successful Planes Crafters is so small.

At an appropriate Laboratory combine a relevant Oil with Perfectly Purified Water and 2 of the correct Emulsifier from this list.

Decay Infused Emulsifier
Heat Infused Emulsifier
Storm Infused Emulsifier
Loam Infused Emulsifier
Gold Infused Emulsifier
Brine Infused Emulsifier

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Used as a blank in the later crafting of rivets, this rod gets is planar affinity from the use of the right kind of Temper, the root of all Planar Metal. Although usually round these rods are sometimes fashioned with a square shape too.

At an appropriate Forge combine 10 Bolidium Ore with the correct Temper for the desired Rod.

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Relatively easy to make in small batches, which is a good things as you are going to need lots, over 186 for one full Armor set measured as AOK quality or better. Planar Metal Rivets again get their properties from the use of the correct Temper. Usually made with a Hex head these are sometimes threaded and used as bolts in other recipes.

At an appropriate Forge combine A Planar Metal Rod and 2 sympathetic Tempers with a Planes Compatible Metal Polish.

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The final metal piece needed, the Planar Sheet is also the largest, taking a lot of Temper and Bolidium Ore.
A gentle touch is needed in producing a usable sheet, the Planes Crafter should tend towards light taps rather than a heavy pounding. One over n over n over n over n! … From 1 to infinity, well not quite but it will feel like it.

At an appropriate Forge combine 30 Ore and 3 Temper with a Planes Compatible Metal Polish.

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Possibly the most important ingredient in Planes Crafting the Generator provide the power to the Planar Armor pieces. A marvel of Clockwork Miniaturization allows the extreme ratio of mundane ingredients with a clockwork catalyst to produce this
amazing object.

At an appropriate Focus combine a Clockwork Catalyst with 180 Dream Ribbons 5 Fibers of the desired type from the list below and a similar planar essence as used in making the Planar Oil, again the essence is not consumed.

Tangling Fiber
Abrasive Fiber
Effervescent Fiber
Ghostly Fiber Fiber
Filmy Fiber

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While practiced widely in Thera the art of Transmogrification has been all but lost in recent times. It requires traveling to a specific location with a supply of material to be transmogrified, more often than not an Emulsifier Base, at a time when the planar power for the required Transmogrification is most powerful. So for example a hot place in the middle of the day when the sun is highest in the sky might reveal a Transmogrification station and allow the Transmogrification of Material for a short time. It has been rumored that some experimentation was done in Old Mathosia and very careful examination of likely places might reveal clues, even when it is not the appropriate time. More has been written on this subject and books containing more information might be possible to find.

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