The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Shimmersand.
Ancient Sorcerer-Kings engineer
6 simultaneous elemental incursions
6 elements = 6 sided cube
Telara = 7th side
6 cube sides + 7 Planar frequencies
13 cities of the Eth
Simultaneous dimensional incursion Ouroboros
Destroyer dragon is Sorcerer-King of the Eth
Catari ruled Catari with blade of Catari
Death unto death unto undeath
Knowing opposites of elements leads to
inverted cube
7th side is internal with inverted elements
Convocation destroyed not Eth but Telara
Death form of Telara invaded by elements
Destroyer is inside simultaneous six sided cube
Rotating elemental rifts predicted by Sorcerer Arkeen
Ancient eth city of Cyclopes
One eye = one world = 7 sides = 7 eyed creature
14 simultaneous dimensional sight =
dimensions undreamed of
Sorcerer King Mkhai creation of elemental portals
7 planar frequencies!
7th frequency to 7th frequency =
14 simultaneous sided cube
No purity of cube side
No purity of life