Richter, Lord of Belmont

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Book Text

By Lady Penelope Barquist of Mathosia

This book is now celebrating its 100th printing!

Enjoy this wildly popular tale of forbidden romance!

Page 2

From the moment that Enelope Quistbar met Richter, she knew he was something more than any other man she had met, and the only man for her. Within his dark orbs, she could see the very depths of her very own soul, and pale skin so white glowed alabaster in the sun, he was beautiful like a statue belonging in the garden of the King of all of Mathosia.

He came to Belmont and declared himself Lord. With all that had happened, the devastation the war had left on a once proud land, his leadership was welcomed. Enelope knew when she looked at him that he would be the one to guide Belmont to better times, and that she must find her way to stand beside him as his Lady.

Page 3

[The remaining pages are completely illegible. They have been soaked in blood from, presumably, a fan who also decided Richter was also the only man for her.]