Codex Elementalism

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Book Text

Air – A shifting ephemeral element, related to thought, electricity, and control.

Earth – An element of substance and great range of value. It solidifies the universe, giving it form and structure.

Fire – Energy and power, shifting structure and chaos. Fire is the transformative element.

Water – Knowledge and depth, water consumes and wears at the world over time. Water smothers; it is a barrier only some may cross. Water tests us.

Life – Life is healing and creation, an abundance of structure, a confluence of the other elements, air, earth, fire, and water. When used with compassion it can mend wounds and revive the dead. When used with malice it is cancer and corruption.

Death – Death is entropy and decay. An end to creation, energy, substance, mind, and knowledge. Death is a release. The energies of death are a part of natural cycle of Telara. But empowered by magic death is destruction out of control.