Unstable: The Raging Karthan Inn
Unstable: The Raging Karthan Inn (54)
In its heyday, this inn was as legendary as its namesake. It specialized in creating drinks that evaporated almost the instant they were drunk, causing a unique taste and adding to the drinks potency.
This is a Unstable artifact set containing 10 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Hard.
Storm Legion > City Core
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
This set can be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: Coffer of Goods
The Currency: A Planar Nut
Credits the Cheevo:
Unstable City Core
Artifacts in this set:
Core Bomb
The Holdings Hangover
The Raging Karthan
Red Mist
Kings Touch
Vaud Vaporizer
Miran Marvel
Gin Fizzle
Momentary Martini
Quick Shot
The Holdings Hangover
The Raging Karthan
Red Mist
Kings Touch
Vaud Vaporizer
Miran Marvel
Gin Fizzle
Momentary Martini
Quick Shot
For a full list of collectible artifacts you can visit the Artifacts List.