Mythic Beasts of Tarken

Mythic Beasts of Tarken (65)

In the war against the Akvan the Gods created beasts of Legend to fight against the ancient horrors. Only dessicated relics of them remain.

This is a Normal artifact set containing 6 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Easy.
Nightmare Tide > Tarken Glacier

These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.

This set can be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: An Ice Chest
Credits the Cheevo:

Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken

Artifacts in this set:
Grim Aralez's Healing Tongue
Heithrox's Mead
Frystfall's Silk
Skarntinn's Claw
Dalendel's Icy Femur
Ikbarru Broken Fang