Glass Ceiling

Glass Ceiling (70)

Glass is a great material for making a large variety of objects, but not these things.

This is a Normal artifact set containing 25 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Easy.
Prophecy of Ahnket > Toks Dungeon

These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.

This set is NOT known to be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: A Hefty Star Shine Cache
The Dimension Item: 6 Sided Puzzle Box
Credits the Cheevo:

Old School Collector

Artifacts in this set:
Glass Mace
Glass Anvil
Crystal Boots
Stained Glass Shield
Quartz Glass Tongs
Glass Keys
Lead Glass Nails
Glass Coins
Glass Pickaxe
Annealed Glass Locks
Glass Cart Wheels
Glass Chain
Crystal Cage
Glass Skirt
Glass Crash Helmet
Blue Glass Hammer
Glass Shovel
Quartz Sword
Glass Strongbox
Glass Houses
Quartz Glass Hatchet
Glass Barrel
Glass Alarm Bell
Glass Horseshoes