Community: Twisted: The Adventures of Kiki Kookoo

Community: Twisted: The Adventures of Kiki Kookoo (1)

Read by Fae children across all of Telara, the swashbuckling adventures if Kiki Kookoo have got to be one of the most popular series of books ever written.

This is a Twisted artifact set containing 20 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Unobtainable.
This set is only available during a special limited time event.
None > None

These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!

This set is NOT known to be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: A shiny chest
The Companion Pet: Artifact Beguiled Prairie Dog
Artifacts in this set:
Kiki Kookoo and the Haunted Fairground
Kiki Kookoo Saves Everyone
Kiki Kookoo Goes to Stillmoor
Kiki Kookoo and the Vampires
Kiki Kookoo and the Lost Children
Kiki Kookoo in the Tanglewood Mystery
Kiki Kookoo Kitten Rescue
Kiki Kookoo and the Silverwood Witch
Kiki Kookoo and the Friendly Ogre
Kiki Kookoo and the Fairy Amulet
Kiki Kookoo Uncovers the Briarcliff Conspiracy
Kiki Kookoo and the Restless Wraith
Kiki Kookoo Meets the Solace Angel
Kiki Kookoo and the Callweddi Exchange
Kiki Kookoo Takes a Risk
Kiki Kookoo and the Secret of Hammerknell
Kiki Kookoo Comes in Last
Kiki Kookoo in the Droughtlands Adventure
Kiki Kookoo Finds the Dustwind Treasure
Is This the End of Kiki Kookoo?