Additional Artifacts

Additional Artifacts (70)

Odds and ends left over from other sets, some weird and some ordinary.

This is a Normal artifact set containing 31 artifacts
The difficulty level for completing this set is Easy.
Prophecy of Ahnket > Toks Dungeon

These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.

This set is NOT known to be found inside artifact caches, looted from minion missions, or rewarded from the daily/weekly gifts
The Basic Loot Chest: A Hefty Star Shine Cache
The Dimension Item: 20 Sided Puzzle Box
Credits the Cheevo:

Old School Collector

Artifacts in this set:
Another Goblet
Dented Lamp
Dull Mirror
Ordinary Dust
Unknown Goo
Tooth Necklace
Elongated Spine
Red Banana
Grease Candle
Oblong Box
Torn Shirt
Orb of the Mundane
Club Foot
Earring Clasp
Nice Chest
Top Half
Ermine’s Tail
Really Loud Instrument
Weak Twine
Impossibly Tiny Ring
Toasted Toadstool
Half Filled Jar
Tongue Sandwich
Humming Shrimp
Adequate Bindings
Twin Heads
Vampire Fang
A Possibly Strange Plant
Long Pretty Ribbon
Unclaimed Ear
Empty Bucket of Something